I take the HESI in January, the NCLEX shortly after....any suggestions ?


HESI exit exam scheduled for January 18th.

I could be over analyzing this.....but i am hearing the HESI exit exam is more content that the NCLEX. both are challenging, just a tad different.....whatever this means.

some in my class have opted to take the Kaplan course which meets Jan 3 - 13th (Mon - Thurs...6p - 9p). So this will leave 5 days to do questions. I have a deposit down but have not pulled the trigger. I am thinking I need more content and not just the test taking strategies......and i am hearing that Kaplan is more with teaching test taking strategies. Please correct me if I am wrong.,

Moreover, I work FT during the day....so I would then have the Kaplan class afterwards...which will leave little time to study after class (will not get home until 930 - 945pm) is done since I have work the next morning. i am thinking that i should cancel the class (even if it is just for the HESI)...and use one of the nclex review books I have to prepare (Saunders or HESI Comprehensice REview) with the remaining time i have left and couple this with going over the questions.

please let me know your thoughts...and all suggestions and comments are appreciated.

thanks !!!

From your post sounds to me like you might want to postpone matters to give yourself a better chance.

From your post sounds to me like you might want to postpone matters to give yourself a better chance.

thanks for the reply. I can't with the HESI. the school tells us when to take it. but your right, not enough time in the day i tell ya.

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