I cannot stand Med/Surg!!!! 3 months in my job and ready for a change STAT!!!

Nurses New Nurse


Ever since I have graduate from school I never thought I would work on a med/surg floor. I always wanted to do women's services especially postpartum:redpinkhe. I even done my senior preceptorship in maternal health and I loved it!! I could not find anything due to the hiring freeze, it was hard to do find a job period. I did not want to take the job but I took it because I did not want to be an unemployed new nurse. Sometimes, I wish I waited longer to get the job I wanted! The staff I work with are wonderful, they help me when I am really struggling. I have an excellent nurse manager and nurse director who supports me. But I get so overwhelmed with the patient load, too many medications to give, the doctors coming in every hour to change the orders sometimes those orders can take up 2 pages and their STAT orders!!! Arghhh:mad: Every day, I nearly cry and I vent to my family how much I can't stand it. I feel bad because my heart is not in this type of nursing which makes learning and trying to do my best makes it much harder. I know there are new grads out there who are looking for job, I am consider lucky getting a hospital job but I can't stand it. I don't think I will be there for a year, honestly....I don't see six months being in this field. I dread going to work. :uhoh3: I am just venting!!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I am two months in and I hate it. I loved it in the beginning but the cattiness and expectations are .....

I am determined to make a go at it so I approach everyday with a positive attitude. I also love my patients..... idk

Specializes in Pedi.

mominsd Re: I cannot stand Med/Surg!!!! 3 months in my job and ready for a change STAT!!!

I am right there with you. I lasted 3 months and quit. I am older and decided I am not going to work in an environment where I hate it! I have a job I love now, days, M-F. I am home at night, week ends and Holidays. It was the right decision for me, so make the decision based on what you need to do. If you want to stay in bedside nursing you need to stick it out, if not there are other options out there.

Wow.. I am wondering how you did this? I am also a new grad 3 months into a job that I hate.. and hate the 3-11 schedule because I never see my family or friends. I have been thinking about working in a clinic or something similar to get onto a normal work schedule, but I didn't think it was possible after only 3 months experience...

Specializes in Postpartum, Mother-baby.
I am right there with you. I lasted 3 months and quit. I am older and decided I am not going to work in an environment where I hate it! I have a job I love now, days, M-F. I am home at night, week ends and Holidays. It was the right decision for me, so make the decision based on what you need to do. If you want to stay in bedside nursing you need to stick it out, if not there are other options out there.

How did you find that job? What are some other options?

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