Published Sep 21, 2014
8 Posts
I wanted to know if as acna I could apply to drs office , or work anywhere besides nurzing . How do I move up in my career
1,001 Posts
Some Dr. offices might take a CNA and train them on the job with the things that CNA class does not teach you. But I would think that most Dr. offices rather have a MA since that is what they went to classes to be and they don't have to take the time an train a CNA to be an MA. If you truely want to be working in a Dr. ofice and you want to move up in your career I'd take MA classes or better yet what abour becoming an LPN
Also I was thinking that if it is a CNA job that you want I would not be so fast in thinking that it is not a good idea to have some time in a LTC on your resume. Because for instance if you ever wanted to try to get a coveted hospital CNA job it always looks good when you have LTC experiance. I work as a CNA in Home Care and if you put my two years of experiance as a Home Care CNA next to someone who worked in LTC for two years the girl working in LTC would probably get the job hands down.
I really don't understand sometimes why people have the mantality that working in a LTC is like scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of CNA jobs. I respect my fellow CNAs that work in LTC very much. I realize LTC is not going to be for everyone, but I cringe when I see sometimes people so adimit about not working in a LTC when they have not even tried working in one. The elder people are who our classes and training are focused on. So I don't understand why some people even want to get into CNA work when they don't even want to work with the elderly.
Hey there thanks for rwplying to my reaponse. I currently work ltc i like it but I want to make a change in everything position, paywose. Oh yeah lpn school is the nwxt thing. Thanks for the advice.
Ltc is not the bottom of the barrel but some make it seem like it is.
Being as you have been working in LTC have you thought of a hospital position, or if it just a change you need what about looking into rehab, or hospice. There is Home Care to, but it wouldn't be seen as acute care like you are in now.
Ok hospital is a thought . Income wise I dont kniwwhere to start. I dont even make 20k a year. Thats why I need the income chang. I like what I do buuuut the money's not there
Well the money doesn't seem to be good no matter where you work as a CNA. And if it is the money that is the biggest factor don't look into home care. I know that many CNAs that work in LTC make more then I do. It does depend on the state you live in but I believe that the average CNA makes anywheres from 8.00 to 14.00 Hospitals usually do pay closer to the higher end of the pay scale then other places.
Gotcha. I hope I f7nd s8mething . Thanks a lot
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
How do I move up in my career
495 Posts
The best way to move up is more education.
You'll also need a good, solid résumé. I cannot tell you how crucial correct punctuation and grammar is on a résumé. That little piece of paper is the first representation of who you are and what you are capable of. It "sells" you.
Thanks a bunch