Published Apr 19, 2014
207 Posts
I am being offered PRN work and I had a few questions about how it works.
Do you work at more than one hospital? If you do, how many do you work for? How do you juggle your schedules and keep them from over-lapping? Do you let the other hospital know that you have more days for that week if you are told you won't be working that week?
I just don't want trying to work at 2 hospitals to turn into a train wreck. What do you do to stay organized?
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
Do you work at more than one hospital?
If you do, how many do you work for?
Two...for right now
How do you juggle your schedules and keep them from over-lapping?
I consider one hospital my main facility and they get priority when it comes to scheduling. I'm often scheduled for shifts months in advance, since I provide coverage for vacations/holidays/time off. Some units have me come in to help out and I schedule them in blocks of 1-2 months. The second job fills in any gaps. To prevent overlapping, I keep track of this on a printed calendar in my workbag, then I update my computer calendar daily. I have accidentally double-booked myself on occasion, but I've always been able to resolve it well before that work day arrived.
Do you let the other hospital know that you have more days for that week if you are told you won't be working that week?
Sure. Each knows of the existence of the other. The first facility knows I pick up shifts at the second because I like the variety. The second facility knows that they are second fiddle as far as priority goes, and they're not bothered.
Keep track of all those days on a calendar. Check on and update it daily.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
I work prn at only one hospital. Most of my fellow prn coworkers have a primary job at another hospital and work prn in my unit. Many of them have research jobs with business hours and work a weekend or two a month to keep up their bedside skills. They have no problems with overlap.
A lot of places offer self-scheduling. If you schedule yourself, then you keep track of when and where you will be. If someone at work asks "Can you work for me on...". My reply is to let me check my calendar first.
Be aware that if you work in 2 settings, you will be responsible for completing all the required annual education for both places and following the policy of working holidays at both places too. For example if prn staff have to work one summer and one winter holiday, you will be working double the holidays to satisfy both workplaces.
dudette10, MSN, RN
3,530 Posts
I work PRN at two places, and I work it this way: I give my days NOT available (personal reasons) to my primary job, receive that schedule, then tell my secondary job the days I AM available. Primary job is primary because it pays more per hour. Also, I told my secondary job prior to the offer that I am PRN only, I had another primary job, and I would schedule myself. I couldn't offer them more commitment than that. They hired me anyway.
Thank you all for the replies so far. It is common practice around my area to work for more than one hospital. The hospitals don't seem to have a problem with it.
Your ideas of how you have scheduled work and stay organized has helped.