I passed the nclex

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took the test on Tuesday, July 10th. The computer shut off after question 75. I thought for sure that I flunked. I waited until today Thursday July 12th to check the results and I passed!!.

I was a nervous wreck - when I saw the quick view results of "Pass" I kept yelling "I passed, I passed" I scared my dog and my husband and I even had a brief episode of chest pain.

Thank God I passed!!!! on the first try!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I could have gone through this again.

congrats waht was your study plan any tips

I did the free online review course that my school offered (I attached the link below) It was a five week course


And I did lots and lots of nclex questions

on the computer and I also bought a stack of Saunders Flash Cards (I used those at work when I had down time)

I took the test on Tuesday, July 10th. The computer shut off after question 75. I thought for sure that I flunked. I waited until today Thursday July 12th to check the results and I passed!!.

I was a nervous wreck - when I saw the quick view results of "Pass" I kept yelling "I passed, I passed" I scared my dog and my husband and I even had a brief episode of chest pain.

Thank God I passed!!!! on the first try!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I could have gone through this again.

Great job! I took the test same day as you and found out I passed today!


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