I and O's


Do all y'all still automatically put new residents on I and Os for the first 72 hours? I think this is just silly as is putting someone on I and Os because they are on an antibiotic. I've asked the nurses and their answer....because we've always done it. Comments?

Specializes in Geriatrics, Transplant, Education.

We did I&O x 72 hours for new admissions at my old facility--I never could make sense out of it either because it was inaccurate 100% of the time. It really should just be for fluid restrictions/foleys/large amounts of diurectics etc...but even then it was a struggle.

I have not done a new admit for our facility yet so I am not sure about the I/O's. Not to get off topic, but when I look at the Q shift charting and what exactly they want to hear about (ADL's, transfers, diet, activity, toileting, etc), I hate to admit, but all of these duties are within the realm of the CNA and she/he would be able to chart on them better than I would. I dont see and note all of these events on 20+ Residents every day. I had 9 Q shift to do the other night. The CNA have a place in the computer to chart their activities. ( of which the Nurses never see, WE dont even have computer charting, I once asked who exactly is looking at what the CNA charts?, got an idk answer) Anyone who is a Q shift, on ABX, Skin Tear, etc need to have Vitals. That ends up being half the hall getting their vitals done 3 times a day. Is this common practice in supposedly "stable" residents? The one place I remember doing clinicals at did not do more than daily vital signs.

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