Published May 28, 2006
4 Posts
What do I need to do to become a RN....I want to work in a hospital. Is it as simple as going to a community college, getting an associates in nursing, taking a test for a liscense, and then getting a good job at a hospital with good pay and benefits? I appreciate any help,
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hello, ab21 and welcome to
actually, yes, it is that theory.
one must consider the pre-reqs prior to actually taking the nursing courses. one must consider the waiting lists for actually getting into a nursing program.
but, in theory, you go to school, graduate with the degree, take and pass the nclex, receive a license, and apply for a position.
One must consider the pre-reqs prior to actually taking the nursing courses. One must consider the waiting lists for actually getting into a nursing program.
What do you mean by that...thanks for the welcome.
As I pointed out, theoretically, it is as simple as I said above.
But, it might not be as simple in reality. You will have to have pre-reqs first before actually taking the nursing courses. There often is a long waiting list to get into any nursing program even after completing the pre-reqs. And, many programs are so very competitive that an excellent GPA still will not ensure you a placement.
So, you start out with this simplistic idea and end up realizing it will take years for it to come to fruition.
Once i grad. take the test and all that, can i just jump into any nursing, oncology, nicu, sicu....or is that something you need specialized training for, or...what? sorry...kind of a nurse virgin, tryin to get all the facts...
Depends upon the facility. Normally, new grads are working in med-surg environments first to get experience before specializing in the acute areas such as ER, ICU, etc. But, that isn't the case with everyone. Really depends upon the facility, the individual, and the long term goals.
But, yes, after you pass NCLEX, you can apply for just about any position.
thanks, were extremely helpful.....thank you so much for answering my questions....
My pleasure, Alex. Good luck! And, stay here for wonderful support and advice along the way.
military spouse
577 Posts
I would recommend going to your local colleges that offer nursing programs and discussing what is necessary to apply. Some schools have competitive admissions and if you have good grades, good interview, etc. you might get in sooner. Other schools have waiting lists which MAY allow you to have slightly lower scores, but you have to wait until your name comes up on the list. Those are broad generalizations and each school is very different. I would definately find out what the pre-req courses are-i.e., math, anatomy & physiology, psych, etc. Some schools allow one to take those courses concurrently with nursing courses. There are huge variations between schools. Good luck!