I Need Help Please


This is going to sound A little weird I have been accepted to go to hocking nursing school and Have also put in an application to Notre dame college of Ohio they have recently brought back there nursing program. The differances between the two colleges is this: Hocking COllege is A Tech School and It is only an associates degree. Notre Dame is a normal college and they offer a BSN. My question is which college should I Have my eyes set on. And the second question that I have is there any help for people who have Learning disablities to help assist them to get through nursing school. Thanks :uhoh3:

Only you know what the money situation is with you and how much time you seriously want to devote to school and getting the degree. BSN is the thing now, but a job is possible with a 2 year degree. You can always go for the BSN online or part-time after you get the ASN.

I do not have a clue as to what type of assistance there might be at either of these schools regarding a learning disability. Most people who have this type of problem develop tricks for association and coping skills in order to assist them in dealing with this disability. Have you spoken with anyone associated with these schools regarding any type of assistance for someone with a learning disability?

I wish you the best of luck and hope you can proceed with becoming a nurse. Have a blessed day.

Welcome to allnurses and congratulations on being accepted. My friend received assistance for her learning disability at our BSN program after she was tested and diagnosed. You should inquire at both schools about their programs for people with disabilities. I would guess that the public school with the BSN program is more likely to have a program in place, partly to comply with federal programs. Good luck.

I went to Hocking College. First I can tell you it is a very good school. You get a lot of hands on experience. They do have options for people with disabilities. You should really call them et let them know your situation et what accomodations you would need. As you might or might now know, you do not receive higher pay for a BSN. So it is really up to you and what you want for your future. I am planning some day to go back for my BSN but that will be sometime down the road. I want to do an online program.

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