I need help for Hesi exit exam


I took the hesi exit exam last week and got 874 and our passing score is 900 and above, right now I am fricking out. i don't know what to study for the next one which is the V2. Please I need your help on how to prepare for this coming one, in the past I used yourbestgrade, the Hesi comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination 4edition, and a little bit of Saunders cd questions.

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1. use all your knowledge you have learned from nursing school and know the basic pathophysiology along with medications such as nursing teaching you need for it. Example: some antibiotics you need to take on an empty stomach an hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Another example, Fosamax for osteoporosis need to take with a glass of water 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after, and remain upright for 30 minutes after taking it.

2. look through your books all of them and see what you need to work on and are not familiar with, for some reason they like to test on material you would not really learn in class much. They love hip replacements, and amputees along with myanthesia gravis, and cushing syndromes, hypothyroidism all those things etc...

3. look in your assessment book and learn other types of assessment we do and the purpose of them. they ask or show pictures regarding things you don't normally do in the clinical setting.

4. find videos about breath sounds and heart sounds and know the difference of each of them.

5. DO practice questions!!!! only way to be successful on this test. NCLEX questions do help but to a certain extent. If you have access to evolve case studies those usually help to taking HESI style questions because even the questions they ask on there is ridiculous that you wouldn't know.

6. buying the HESI review book is like a ok thing, but in the end it doesn't really help its more of a basic cliff notes type of structure book that gives you quick details, if you just study from here I guarantee you won't pass unless you get lucky never know. Only thing useful in that book is reading the HESI HINTS, because some answers on questions are from those.

7. doing the questions from the hesi review book when you register it to evolve, the questions are good they help you with the test type of style questions, but there isn't that many to do maybe like 150 for each section, it doesn't cover much and the rationales are not that good.

8. important is reading rationales of why you got the question wrong along with reading why you got the question right.

9. asking previous students in your program about hesi questions

10. If you school offers a HESI review session you should attend because it helps you focus more on the material and main objectives of what to cover when studying. I

11. If kaplan is offered at your school or you sign up for it, its kind of a 50-50 shot because kaplan is geared a lot toward Nclex and the questions are really harder. Plus they focus now a lot of priority type of questions while hesi is more of a implementation type of question test. Kaplan does kind of help with test taking strategies

13. HESI is a Basic test but it is still hard to pass because a lot of the words and material they test you on are medical terms, for example if you know the medical term for sleepwalking then you can get the right answer. its those types of answers and questions they test on which is weird and difficult to study for before taking it.

14. My best advice is make time to do as many practice questions as you can and read rationales to understand the content more and you can be able to pass the test.

15. buy the elsevier adaptive quizzing testing, its a good question bank from evolve. they have over 10,000 questions and it keeps track of your progress and helps to determine your weakness, I really like it. the rationales are good and it really keeps it simple and easy. it prepares you well for nclex or hesi.

16. Also do not change your answers, not doing so made my scores rise up higher

Will take your advise.. I am so frustrated.. my life is on hold due to not passing HESI EXIT.. 5th attempt last week... and just can't seem to pass the 740.. need 850 to pass. So you said to get the adaptive quizzing testing from evolve? it's in the evolve website? right? Thanks!


I feel your pain nursemom67, I will make my fifth attempt in a few weeks and yes my life is on hold too. Unfortunately, my school requires us to make a 900. It was 850 a year ago. My first score was 740 and my highest was a fricking 877. My fourth attempt I made a 793 and that was because I did the ultimate NO NO, changed my right answers to the wrong answers.

I took my first exit today. Pretty much breezed through school. Fail the exit - got a 750 and need an 850. Most of the questions and meds i had never even seen before. I only get one more chance - next Tuesday. HELP - I have no idea what to study!!

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

I love evolve adaptive quizzing. I've used it for the Hesi Fundamentals, Med/Surg, Peds, and Ob and passed all. The questions get harder as you get them correct. Level 2 questions are usually harder than the Hesi. It's $99 for the RN Nclex access but I've used it a ton since I got it.

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