Published Dec 30, 2015
1 Post
Hello I have a passion to be a nurse but I gotten into some trouble 2 years ago. Long story short I met a man I fell in love with we broke up he went and got a girlfriend but me and him was still involved. I was hurt I was drinking one night and decided to Go to his house we once shared together. And basically things got out of hand. All my charges occurred that same night I never been in trouble before I got charged with trespass,domestic battery and simple battery on the girlfriend.with no harm done to either Which are misdemeanor s and my felony is criminal mischief-property damage which I was put on probation for. I AM NOT A CONVICTED FELON. Thank God.. Im finishing up my AA and plan to apply for my school AS in Nursing program. By the time I finish and ready to apply for a license 4 years would have past since the incident. Do you think I can get a license? Or even in the program?
poppycat, ADN, BSN
856 Posts
You should check with the Florida board of nursing because in some states battery will prevent you from ever getting a license.
14,633 Posts
I'm no authority on any of this, but I recall hearing a lot a few years ago about how FL passed a new law restricting people with a felony on their record from getting any kind of professional license until some certain number of years had passed since the felony. I dont' know whether that would apply to you, since you state you are not a convicted felon, but you might want to investigate whether that would apply to your specific circumstances before spending any money on school.
Best wishes!
1,761 Posts
Your best bet is contacting the Florida BON as no one here can know for certain. Also, many board websites have it clearly stated on the application instructions what types of charges will automatically decline a license and which ones they will investigate on a case by case basis.
Many states have a general 5 year ban where ANY felony will result in a license denial. And then after that it's case by case but certain felonies will always result in license denial. Generally, violent felonies are on that list. Also, nursing programs will require background checks for their clinical sites. You may not pass one to even get into nursing school.
It it has only been 2 years since a poor decision was made. It takes a while for licensing bodies to see that you have changed. Usually much longer than 2 years.
2 Posts
First off would like to say don't let the convictions hold you back from doing what you want to do. I have a background that I am not proud of either but I hold a valid Florida RN license with no restrictions. Before, I could sit for my Nclex I had to go in front of the board of nurses to get approved after writing a very long and detailed account of my "arrests". That's right. Plural arrests. When I was 19 and younger I had a strong of petty arrests that has haunted me for some time and made my life difficult but I still overcome this and it made me stronger. I to had a charge of domestic violence however it was dropped and I was not convicted of the charge. That seemed to be the most important charge none the less that I needed to worry with. My other charges were either from when I was younger than 18 or misdeamnors but that does not mean you cannot get,a license. I believe you felony charge isn't going to affect you much and I don't know if there is an actual "time limit" with the boards because they seem to have the power to do as they want. I know with Acha (which is a agency that clears you with travel agencies and like nursing homes but usually not hospital etc) to get cleared for the felony is max 3 years and that's not to,say if you are off probation and the case is closed you could,stop get approved. So yea the boards are different than Acha though but I am sure they would,follow similar rules because it's,what's read in the statutes of Florida in regards to background. But anways. I had petty theft and aggravated battery that was dropped to misd.and some stupid things when I was 16 and the domestic,violence(that was droped) but,i still had to answer to the boards in regards to it. I have never put that on my applications however. Anyways I was more worries,about the aggravated battery and was embarrassed of the petty theftbut the only question they asked me at the board hearing was if I still involved myself with the boyfriend from the DV. I answered "nooooooo" kind of like oh heck no kind of way and the judges all,burst into laughter and cleared me. I did have some evidence against the guy from the DV THOUGH. After he did that to me about a year later he was arrested for some major crimes to,go wife and children - like kidnappy and abuse to all his kids (that I had no clue existed might I add...) so,yeahi had kind of a interesting story. So,yes of course my situation is different than yours but I to was told oh don't go into nursing,you will never be able to with your record bla bla bla . I have been a er nurse since 2011 so don't listen to what everyone else tells you and the laws etc. The boards judge each case - case by case. Their,is no 2 cases the same. Just make sure in your letter to them describing details of each event thAt you portray what you have learned, that you no longer speak to,this invidual or have any relations with that individual etc.I basically just told the truth .. I even included details about my childhood and the like to try and explain to,them why I think I got into trouble and how I changed my life since. So yea. By time you are done with nursing school you will have sufficient amount of time to have learned from your mistakes. Good luck to you. Hope this helps. And one more thing. It does get easier as time passes, trust me.
Oh one more thing I wanted to say is... Really make sure nursing is the path you want to take because i,thought so to and now regret it. I mainly have been burned out from how evil other nurses can be to others and just have had some really bad experiences. I have only been an ER nurse (except when I first got out of school I did 3 months in icu ) but it appears to be throughout the whole of nursing. I,dunno. I want to,go,back to school and some things have happened that make me not want to stay even close to my field (Np,pa, Dr etc) like I have had many thoughts of going in a whole other direction. Anyways. Just thought I might tell you that so you really make sure this is the field you want because I feel I have wasted so much time and want to change my route now...