I have an interview!

Nurses Recovery


Specializes in ER.

Background: Er nurse for 3 years, suspended May 30, 2008 for diversion. Involved in MIs hprp program. Sober almost 12 months. Since November I have been working in the same hospital I was suspended from...only doing audits in medical records. My 6 month restriction just ended. I was told a few months ago by the HR lady that there is a chance of getting me a position in the observation unit after my restriction is up. Obs is part of er. This brings on a ton of anxiety but a few months ago I thought I just needed to suck it up because I should take whatever job I can. I now know that I don't have to suck it up and staying at this hospital and going back to seeing the same co-workers and being in the same hospital environment...12 hr shifts, etc...may not be the healthy thing for me to do.

I found a job listing for an IV infusion rn and thought about applying for a few weeks. I went back and forth between wanting to get the hell outta this hospital and just start going through the difficult interviews (disclosing my recovery status) and thinking maybe it would be easier to stay and just "suck it up". I sent my resume via email on Sunday night and got a call at 8:45 am Monday. The woman is actually from a recruitment firm but said she was so excited when she got my resume. She asked me why I wanted to leave the er and I just told her I wanted to get out of the hospital environment.

I am so excited for this poss position yet so nervous. There is no reason I shouldn't get this job but if they don't want to deal with having an employee in the program then I am outta luck. It's a mds office that does mostly iv abx, no chemo, some wound care. They are open 7 days a week, 7a-7p and the rns rotate 8 hr shifts, every 3rd-4th weekend.

I am meeting with my sponsor on wed, interview is on friday. She is also a nurse and I will talk to her about how to present myself. This will be my first interview since being in recovery. Any advice would be great. Otherwise just wish me luck.

Specializes in Impaired Nurse Advocate, CRNA, ER,.

First, let me say congratulations on the interview.

You'll probably get a mixture of "Be honest up front...", or, "Wait until they offer the job". Neither is wrong. You have to go with an open mind to see how things flow. Prepare your "coming out" speech and practice it. It can be very stressful the first several times you tell people, especially in a professional situation. When you do decide to be open about the disease, the more confident you appear, the less nervous the other parties will be. When I give my presentations to nurse anesthesia training programs, departments of anesthesia, and nursing programs, the most common response I receive is, "You seem so comfortable speaking about your addiction." Well, it only took me the better part of 15 years to get to that point!

Pick your sponsor's brain and any other recovering nurse you know. I think you may have a little less difficulty getting hired by a physician's office than by a hospital. Consider asking your sponsor and your counselor/addictionologist to write a letter of recommendation or their impression of how well you've responded to treatment and how you're "working" your program. You may not need them, but it can't hurt to have them ready if the opportunity presents itself.

I'm sure other members of our family will have good suggestions as well.

I'll send some prayers up now and on Friday.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Specializes in ICU.

Good luck!

I agree with Jack to practice what you're going to say,, and how you will say it. By the time I got a job, I had gone on so many "practice" interviews that I had it down pat. I figured out what to say, and what not to say the hard way.. by getting rejections.

First of all, don't feel bad if they don't hire you,, and don't give up if they don't hire you... There IS a better job out there for you. If you feel like you're just stuck at your job now,,, keep looking, there will be a job for you.

I learned to talk for a few minutes and answer a few of their questions about myself,, and once I feel like they've gotten to know me a little bit,, you know, experience,, attitude,, etc.. then I would start on the recovery program thing. I would say something like...

"do you know about the program TPAPN?'" if they say no,, then I would explain what the program is about,, going into details about drug testing etc..

Never volunteer the story of how you got into recovery,, like what you did to get caught, etc. I found that some interviewers would ask me just because they were nosey, and never intended to hire me in the first place. I learned quick who those people were. If they say there's no position available right now,, then smile and be professional and leave.. I had one lady tell me AFTER I seen the posting on the wall of all the positions available,, that they didn't have any available right now,, then she asked me what I did to get into recovery. The nerve of this lady... I didn't get the job and she was still nosy as heck.

Anyway, I wish you all the luck! We all deserve to have a job that makes us happy.. :) and no one should be stuck in a job that sucks.

Specializes in Wound Care.

I agree with Jack. I've been most successful when I'm just me. I do have to prepare how I'm going to "break the news" but it generally flows naturally. The interview starts with small talk and the progresses to what kind of experience I have. I let them get to know me and like me for me first. I tell a humorous story, but no more than 1 or 2. I play up my strengths, making sure I'm prepared to answer questions about my weaknesses. Probably a third of the way through the interview, I'll say something like this. "A few years ago I became ill..." I'll tell them I'm in a program with the board of nursing. Briefly say a little about that, and then briefly describe that I'm not like that anymore. I bring copies of my license, restrictions with the applicable ones highlighted, number to my coordinator at the BON, cover letter, resume, references, and I definitely have several professional and personal reference letters. I spend the night before in prayer and preparing for the interview. I have my clothes ready, everything set out, driving directions, resume and copies....everything I can think of to get ready. Then I relax and make sure I get plenty of sleep. The next day before the interview I'm praying and relaxing. Leave in plenty of time to get there. I usually try to get there an hour early...that's just me. It alleviates any anxiety for me about being late. I then pray and get myself positive and calm. Then about 10 or 15 minutes before the interview I let them know I'm there.

It's no secret that there are several negative stigmas attached to addicts. But usually by the time I'm through with the interview, the interviewer says that I have taken the positive out of an negative situation, or made the good better. I'll agree and tell them that of course I would've preferred a different route to where I am now, but I'm proud of the person I am and I am a better person because of my experiences. I'm a better nurse. More compassionate and understanding. You can make them want you because of this. Everyone makes mistakes. Our's are just more apparent. For me and talking to other recovering nurses, it's harder for us to get a job. And sometimes the jobs that are offered aren't the ones I would choose to have. But it is possible. It just takes more effort and patience. You can ask them to hire you on for 90 days at first. If after 90 days they decide it's not working, then you can separate. "But I guarantee that after 90 days you'll agree with me that you have made the best decision by hiring me and I will continue to work here after the 90 days are up." Be calm and self-assured.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Now, go get that job!!!

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Hi Sassy, I just now read this thread and realized it is Friday, so you should be finished with the interview. Please let us know how it went. You deserve a great job after all you have been through! :nurse:

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