Published Jun 5, 2013
2 Posts
I'm so excited to say that I got an RN job in the Pedi ER right out of college! =)
I was wondering if any seasoned nurses had any advice, tips, study material, things to look out for, common problems seen in the Pedi ER..ect.
I'm really looking for some short reading material that will help me out in this specialty.
Any advice will help!
279 Posts
the common problems are the parents. the biggest thing to ask (since they all come in for fevers so the nurse-mom can do the mom's job) is the last time they had tylenol and/or motrin, if at all. that way you know what you're doing next. and make sure to have the right size arm board and try to get some help when doing iv's on the little ones.also
also, when you're having trouble drawing blood, which can easily happen on babies, remember the aerobic cultures are more important than anaerobic. make sure to do aerobic first.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
moved to emergency nursing for best response
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Take ENPC as soon as you can - or at least get your hands on the ENPC book (pretty sure Amazon has them for good prices). Also, I used a Peds-R-Us study guide when I took the CPEN that is useful in everyday life (also on Amazon).
Learn normal vs. abnormal vital sign ranges, or make yourself a cheat sheet to keep on your badge. Sometimes sick kiddos present with subtle vital sign abnormalities because they compensate so well. Good luck!
23 Posts
^ I second that =)