I got what everyone wanted and now, I'm unsure that "I" want it.

Nursing Students General Students


I got into Nursing school today. I honestly never expected to get in.

I started college with no direction, never knowing what I wanted to 'do'. I tried to give myself some direction by picking something 'practical', 'challenging' and 'competitive'. I picked Nursing. As it turned out...I found my love for science while taking my nursing pre-req's, which was great.

I got into the program at my current community college so this would be for a 2 year ADN (although I already have enough credits for an associates in general studies). I would only need to take nursing courses and have done all co-req's.

I figured I wouldn't get in, I 'winged' my TEAs because I was so busy this semester, and somehow by the grace of god did phenomenal on it anyway.

I had applied also to the 4 year school I always wanted to go to as a back up school for an entirely different major- Natural Resource Conservation. I got into that and have been in the mind set that I would go there, b/c i would not get into the 'competitive' nursing program. I have been looking up classes, visited the campus for 3 days, and have been e-mailing potential roommates ever since. As of today my world has changed. Did I ever really want to be a nurse?

How do you know you want to be a nurse when you've never been one? I've never been a CNA even. I am a delicate person, and from reading these forums I'm starting to think I don't have the rough and tough attitude to deal with catty nurses, rude patients, death, emergency situations, feces, vomit and mucous daily. Not to say that I am squeemish at all but these are things I'm not sure I'd be able to deal with for years upon years.

Another thing is that I have a rare sleeping disorder which basically makes me a night person. This is one of those rare, well paid career situations where I could most certainly find a job working nights. Whereas, ecology and resource conservation is more of a day-job thing. Even if I switched my major to a more lab-focused science, it seems that those are also mainly day jobs.

I have also too heard about how the nursing shortage is a lie, how what is promised about job opportunity after graduation is really quite far from the reality. However, this may be, there are really very few jobs in any career field at this time. But at least there is a permanent need for nurses, and I can't say the same for science. Science loses plenty of funding the second a republican president steps into office especially 'green' careers. The other thing is that, as much as there may not be a 'shortage' there is still a higher employment rate for nursing than there is for many other careers and majors in college.

I feel guilty almost. Because I know many of the students I've been conversing with on this forum really wanted to get into the program more than anything. And here I am, almost annoyed that I got in because now I have to make a decision that I didn't think I'd have to make. Everyone in my family is trying to pull me in different directions. My parents want me to go to the 4 year school and so does my boyfriend and my best friend. My LPN aunt tells me horror stories about new graduates at her work place, how they don't get jobs..etc. She also wants me to go to the 4 year school. The rest of my friends/family think I should go onto nursing. That it would accommodate my 'disability' well (i also got into the evening program), it is a respectable field, would help me pay off my loans (i owe a lot already...don't even ask how!), and there is more job security in this field than a lot of other choices.

For me, going to nursing school would make me feel really good about myself I think. To be able to say I'm training to be an RN while everyone is still so disillusioned about the fact that it doesn't have as many job openings as the media acts like it does. I feel like I could definitely handle the course work, its just the real world I'm worried about quite frankly. The nursing students are the most respected group in the college I've looked at them in awe sometimes. I've also stared dreamily looking into the brand new clinical class rooms, with their robot patients thinking how I would love to 'play' with them.

But also, going to nursing school means staying with my current college for two years. A college that I honestly, do not really like. It is very unorganized and frustrating, it is also very racially and ethnically segregated. I have not made any friends in the 4 years I have been there. But I do realize that being in the nursing 'group' is like being part of something else entirely, I will be with a small group of about 29 students for 2 years and am bound to make friends. It also means I will be giving up on having a traditional 'college experience', which was a big factor in choosing to apply to the 4 year school I wanted to go to. I wanted to finally be able to have what all my friends had right out of high school, but that I never got. But at the same time...I already may be too old for that. There was just something that drew me to the idea of so many different opportunities and things to get involved in on a new campus, with 30,000+ other people that don't yet know you. I had hoped going to a big college like this, two hours away from all of my friends and family would give me the ability to challenge myself in a new surrounding. To learn to be more social and independent, and emotionally mature...as I feel like I am currently a pretty co-dependent person. It would also allow me to really cut out and distance myself from a lot of the negative people in my life, especially in my family. Whereas if I did nursing, it seems I would have to live mostly at home again which is really not necessarily a healthy in environment.

I'm 24 years old and still can't decide what path to take.

I am really just at the point where I have no idea what is the best decision for me...and although I know this is very long I would appreciate any advice since I can't seem to think for myself or convey these feelings to the other people in my life--who all seem to have their own motives.

Thank you.

To choose nursing school because of connivence of your schedule is a horrible choice. If you are not 150% committed to being a nurse (the good, bad, and ugly) Don't do it. You will be miserable.

If it were me, I'd spend a full 12 hour shift shadowing a nurse on a busy hospital floor. You really get a good sense of what you're in for. Some people get really excited, others go home and collapse ;) Although it would not be easy, you could get both degrees down the road if you decide at some point you've picked the wrong one. Thinking in these terms may help relieve some of the pressure and allow for clearer thinking.

I didn't know (and maybe still don't to some extent) what I wanted to do. I chose nursing because it seemed natural I would care for people, I am sick of being poor, and job security. I'm 34. Being 24 allows you a lot more leeway in your life. You can go into nursing, do it for 2-5 years and still be young enough to start another career. You don't have to make a decision that lasts the rest of your life. The beauty of nursing (another thing that attracted me) is the options you have. You can go anywhere and do most anything. You don't have to work with poop and vomit all day. You could work at planned parenthood teaching young girls about birth control (you need a few years under your belt). Or do research. Or teach. etc etc etc. You could work with the sickest people or people you aren't sick at all. Don't pigeonhole yourself.

And the college experience is overrated. The people you meet and bond with in nursing school will be as lovely (if not lovelier) than everyone your same age. You will meet people with different life experiences that will enrich your life. And you will all have one thing in common... studying.

Good luck with your decision and be thankful you have something to choose. A lot of people fumble around for years with no idea what to do (that was me :) )

OP, I understand your predicament. I like biology and assumed nursing school would be more biologically and medically oriented than it its. If you're there to learn about physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology on a cellular level then you're going to be short changed. You won't get that. I didn't at least, and this was a BSN program with specific course titles reflecting those areas. I think natural resource conservation would be more interesting as well. I admire that you're thinking of doing that instead.

I went through paramedic school many years ago just to learn. It wasn't a long program, at least not in the amount of time I'd have to put in to be successful and "learn," and it wasn't expensive either. Once I finished the teacher, who also owned an ambulance service, asked me to come to work for him so I did. It was a decent extra job and one that I held over the next couple years off and on, but it wasn't for me. Now, I'm not a "delicate" person as you claimed to be. I'm actually a career police officer and a bit unique in that nothing I've written above tends to fit in with what one thinks of as a cop. However, I'm not a hands on guy....at least not when it comes to healthcare. I like to learn about it. I want to know exactly why something works, but I do not want to be the one necessarily doing it. I'm fine with assessing people. I've been doing it for years, but once it comes to getting what I refer to as "intimate" with them then heck no. Leave me out of it. When nurse teachers talked in class about holding hands and rubbing backs I almost gagged. I don't electively touch random people or try to foster meaningful connections with them. I'm a great listener, but as my clinical faculties have said time and time again, I'm "not very giving of myself." I debated for YEARS about doing a paramedic to RN program so that I could efficiently move on up the healthcare food chain and do something else. I finally joined a "generic" BSN program last August having finished all of the prereqs from a previous B.S. degree, but I've been uncomfortable since the first day. Fortunately, I never had to quit working, and my monetary expense hasn't been that great. I can eventually coerce myself into working enough, on a part-time basis, to remunerate myself for it.

Anyway, I have to run, but the point to this, and I write this on my very last day thereby completing this BSN program, that I was hesitant because I knew I didn't want to be a RN. I assumed at some point I'd assimilate, but I haven't. If you really don't think it's for you then run the other way. Trust yourself. I always do and did except with this. If you'd like to PM or something then hit me up. Plenty of people have had very rewarding careers as nurses, but the role of a RN isn't a role I want.

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

"i just mean i want to be around other people around my age --being in a specified major (so a lot of the same interests) with the same sort of lifestyle going on"

Be careful who you associate yourself with though, some may still have the mind set of wanting to live the life they always wanted to live and may bring you down with them. but goodluck on whichever you choose

There is a lot of good advice here. However, I think I may have another option for you to consider.

Step 1: Take a CNA 1 course. You'll only invest about 250 bucks into it (with class, book, and scrubs) and about 1-3 months of time (classes are usually 2 or 3 times a week). Nearing the end of the class you will do clinicals. While this isn't exactly what the nurse has to do, it'll give you a feel for taking care of patients, wearing the scrubs and looking the part, standing on your feet all day, and helping patients feel as comfortable as possible.

Step 2 A: If you find out you hate it, just pursue the 4 year degree and you're not out much.

Step 2 B: If you find it interesting because there is never a dull moment, and most patients really are appreciative, then enter the nursing program next year. (If you got in once you can probably get in again).

Step 2 C: If you are slightly curious but still not sold on what nursing is like, enroll in a CNA 2 course. This is more nursing-like stuff. You don't get to mess with IVs, giving meds, and the decision-making a nurse has to do... but you WILL get to put in cathethers, do trach care, change ostomy bags, irrigate wounds, etc.

It would be nice to hear what you decided!

Best wishes,


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