I got Accepted Rn Rankin Campus!!!!!!!!!!!


Did anyone else get accepted for the RN Rankin campus for August '09?

Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.


I will be there in August also taking pre reqs for RN until January when I start LPN.

I have to just take Human AP Lab/Lecture 2 this summer and be finished by my first clinical in August. I go next wednesday for orientation for the AA Rn program-I have to go to the NAHC even though I will be attending the Rankin Campus in August. I am a lil' nervous about this-wondering what to expect.

Specializes in Orthopedics.


First off...CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be there too for the orientation at the Allied Health Center on April 22!!!! I was accepted into the NAHC campus. I am nervous too. I am not sure what orientation entails are you? Great job getting in!!!


Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.

I think orientation is the same for everyone, you actually have to go to it every week and get graded. I found this out yesterday when I went to the Rankin campus. I think the lady said it lasts 8 weeks. Mrs. Evans also told me my orientation would at the NAHC also, even though I'm going to Rankin... Kinda weird..

Carafaith, I'm A&P I in August, who was your teacher? I have Mrs. English...

I am taking AP 1 lab/lecture online right now with Cecilia Thomas-she's a great teacher online. I will be taking AP 2 lab/lecture online but I think that will have to be the teacher Feaster through Hindscc.

Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.

Ha I wish I could take the classes online, but I would never be able to concentrate.. How long does it take to get through the class online? I'll be going Fridays 8am to 1235pm and that's with the Lab for 16 weeks.

Specializes in Orthopedics.

Wait a minute. Orientation every week? I am not in MS right now and I have commitments in N.C. are you sure we have to go every week for 8 weeks? What if you can not make it every week. I can not just fly in every week. Graded? Hmmmmm... That seems strange to me. No mention of that in the letter...

Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.

I don't think you have to take it until you start your classes..

Ha I wish I could take the classes online, but I would never be able to concentrate.. How long does it take to get through the class online? I'll be going Fridays 8am to 1235pm and that's with the Lab for 16 weeks.

It took the same amount of time 16 weeks-Jan.'09 till now April'09 a whole semester, now during this summer it will be like 8 wks. You have to really be dedicated to do online classes. I am actually a better learner on my own than in class. I will have to get used to going to class again with the Rn program. I am a bag of nerves already.:idea:

Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. But i do understand how you feel, I'm nervous myself...:uhoh21:

I'm at LPN student at the Rankin campus and I believe the orientation that someone mentioned is the college orientation class you need in order to graduate. That's not the same thing as your 1 day orientation to the nursing program. The orientation class is just like any other class (traditional or online) with a grade. I'm taking it online this semester and it was a super easy A!

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