Published Sep 12, 2005
390 Posts
Ok. Why am I being told not to waste my money on a Littman Cardio III? I e-mailed my NS today and I was told to just get a Littman Classic SE because I would not benefit from a more expansive model. He told me that the cardio model was for a cardiologist and I would not be listening for much heart sounds as a nurse. He told me to look at it as: Would I use a jackhammer when all I need is a screwdriver? Im really confused now. I was ready to buy my stets today but now I dont know anymore. Can someone shine some light on this for me? Thank You
1,010 Posts
If in the future you'll need to break apart a concrete patio, that screwdriver won't be any good either. 'just watch this guy --->
If price is not a factor, go for the III. It has more benefits, see here ...
> click on "View Product List" in bottom
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Hey, Nathalie,
It that is what you want, get it. I find that the nurses ears need that special scope. Do not listen to the ones who say you will not listen for "those" heart sounds. Nope, untrue......
MissJoRN, RN
414 Posts
I agree... if it's what you want... get it! Esp if you think cardiac, respiratory, critical care is for you? I'm sorry that the nursing school rep has such a low opinion on nursing skills. Just last night I noticed abnormal heart sounds that had been unnoticed before. Think of this- a doctor rounds once a day, maybe a med student and a resident also round, so maybe the heart and lung sounds are assessed by "medical ears" three times a day (Ha! Subtract that if the admitting doctor is a urologist, GI surgeon, etc and do we really count the med student/PA student?) Very often only once daily, briefly. Meanwhile the pt is often assessed by "nursing ears" twice a shift or at least three times daily- regardless of 8 or 12 hr shifts. My observation is that the RN also listens a little longer and a little more thoroughly, esp to lungs, another area where a good Littmann excells. So...Who's getting the most out of that high quality scope??
Thank you soooooooooooo much guys.....It really helped me. Now I know what I have to buy!!!!
MQ Edna
1 Article; 1,741 Posts
GRX medical has a cardiology steth that's identical to the littman cardio 3 and half the's a great stethoscope, check it I love mine - FYI I'm an LVN working on a cardiac floor and part of my assessment every shift is to document heart sounds! It's the same assessment that's found on every floor in the could get yourself in a lot of trouble if you didn't listen to heart sounds and missed a murmur! That guys' crazy!