Published Mar 14, 2008
203 Posts
I need some good ideas, fast! My husband just told me he hasn't peed in three days. I mean no pee at all, nada. He has no hx of renal fx. I practically fell off my chair! Ok, so i discussed how serious this is, possible causes, effects, etc. but he seems to feel that he is dehydrated (!) and will drink more fluids now, maybe go to the doctor's tomorrow if he hasn't peed by then.
I am kind of freaking about this and feel he should go to the emergency room immediately! But how do I get him to go, he is in SUCH DENIAL! I would enlist the aid of family and friends but he is super big on privacy issues.
Need ideas fast. thanks.
NurseyBaby'05, BSN, RN
1,110 Posts
Tell him he's setting himself up for extensive time on dialysis (at best) and that you're calling 911, right now. All of the volume he's not putting out is going somehwere. If he's not creating volume, that's another equally serious issue. I wonder what his pressures are and if he's a ticking time bomb to stroke out. He needs to be at the hospital ASAP. Do you really think he'll call the doc in the am or is he going to put that off too? Privacy issues, be damned.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Tell your hubby that you'll tattle to his mom if he doesn't go to the ER, NOW.
We are unable to offer you medical advice here, but anyone with "normal" renal function who hasn't voided in three days has got a problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
Good luck.