I am feeling discouraged

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i applied for nursing program for the 2010 fall semester and didn't get in i am feeling pretty discouraged any advice on what to do while waiting for next year to come around:rolleyes::nurse:

If you are seeking a bachelor's degree, you could take classes this fall and spring and get a minor in health science. I know a few people that are planning on doing that if they don't get in for this fall's nursing class.

Specializes in Home Care.

As the poster above stated, take classes that will count towards a BSN in the future. If you're going to a public college for ADN, figure out where you'll be doing the BSN eventually and figure out what classes you need.

At the end of this semester I'll have completed all general ed and pre-req requirements for RN and BSN. So, after I've finished RN I can go straight into the BSN and only have to take the nursing classes. Fortunately for me, I'll be doing both RN and BSN at the same college.

Specializes in Cardiology.

Ditto- that's what I did for my ADN and now I only have to take 1 nursing class per semester. I plan to take a class or two towards my BSN during the summer. Good luck and don't give up!

I agree with everyone else also... I didn't get in last year, and I was surprisingly only disappointed for a few days. I just kept believing that everything happens for a reason and I took a couple of courses from home while working at a medical clinic as a secretary. I learned a surprising amount about the medical field in that job and got my pre-reqs done with. Now I'm starting this fall.

So cheer up and just dedicate as much time as you can to getting a head start on next year :) You can do this! One year isn't so long, really. Good luck!

Apply at Oral Roberts University. It is pretty good and straight forward. Very reasonable and helpful. You will not loose any credits. Little expensive but if you are full time student with atleast 3.0 gpa you get financial aid and scholarship. Believe me it will be worth it.

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