I feel like a failure.


I'm kind of freaking out right now and just need to vent. I just received my final grade in Engl Comp.2, which was a C. I also have a C in Engl Comp.1. What are my chances of gettin into a nursing school? LSUhsc to be exact.

It depends which program requires what...that what it basically comes down too. For example, if a nursing program(s) pre-req requires ENG 1, A&P1 and 2, MICRO, and PSY; and you had all A's and B's and one C due to the ENG 1, then it would weight your gpa down just a bit. If you want to be more competitive like a 3.8/4.0 then I would take the ENG over again. But it DEPENDS on the programs requriments.

You may feel bad because you probably worked so hard this semester and was expecting a better grade and ended up with a C and you feel discouarge. Don't be, just make sure you do extremely well in the science courses because those are very important. English will not hold you back at all. I'm plan to retake an English 1 course that I took years ago, and there's a program that I'm interested in and the grade that I recieved weighted my gpa down.

LSUHSC as in Louisiana State? I'd re-take the english classes if you can and try for a better grade. Their nursing program is strict, hard as heck to get into without a good GPA, and requires a good grade all pre-req's. C's in both of those english classes won't do you any favors.

Specializes in CNA/LPN.

I'd definitely look into registering to retake the english classes to do a little bit of patch work on your GPA from the damage the C's have done to it. It may be seen as more difficult to get into a program with them. I wish you the best of luck with whatever it is that you choose.

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