Published Feb 5, 2004
56 Posts
I am so depressed, but I am going to try to take it again. I came so darn close. I feel kind of stupid in terms of going to work and facing everyone. I am going to try kaplan. I only have to wait 45 days so that is a good thing. Is there anyone else on this board, that feels like I do? I could really use some comfort. I tried so hard. Thank you
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
I am so very sorry. But to have failed, does NOT mean YOU are a failure. Please take heart... others have failed, too, at their first attempt, and even the second, or more.
It is painful, but you are harder on yourself than those you fear facing, believe me.
Take some downtime now to be GOOD to yourself :kiss and when refreshed, get back on that hossy and RIDE !!!
You WILL succeed ! You wait and see. (((HUGS)))
I really appericate them. You are so kind.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Good luck. Some people just find test-taking very difficult. Doesn't mean you are a failure or a bad person. As the above poster said - take care of yourself and try again.
JacelRN, BSN, RN
209 Posts
Hi Whinnymay,
My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you didn't pass THIS time. But you will. Do you know why? Because you care to beat this thing and become a great nurse! You can overcome anything with God's help. I'll be praying for you.
Kaplan sounds like a good idea. It certainly works for many people. And it can't hurt. Let me recommend another site for you if you're interested in comparing. the NSBCN gives this review so they definitely KNOW what the test is about. It is more affordable than Kaplan, not that I'm trying to talk you out of it, just giving another outlook. This is online so it takes good self-discipline, Kaplan is more hands on.
Hang in there Whinnymay, it is all in the timing and the test taking. It means nothing of the quality of nurse you WILL become. I ought to're looking at someone who took it 3 times to pass. If I can do it, so can anyone cuz I learned that much about myself and how I test in those long months of waiting. Take care of yourself and,
God Bless,
I actually took that review course. It helped me in terms of reviewing the systems, but it didn't help me with applying what I have learned. I put out the money for the Kaplan course, because I feel they can help me with this. I do believe that I will do it this time-pass. It is the only thing, that is stopping me from losing my mind.. Thanks
3,932 Posts
hang in there!
417 Posts
Good luck! My nursing school actually gave you a review by kaplan lasted two weeks before graduation and at the time we had a 99%pass rate. It's a great review course.
139 Posts
I took Kaplan and felt it was a great review course. They have great test taking strategies I used to pass NCLEX. Their classroom review is good, and it is 100% money back guarantee if you spend at least 30 hours in the center watching videos and doing tons of questions. Good luck you WILL make it!