I bought the Kaplan NCLEX PN QBank..where do I see my sample nclex score?


I was under the impression that I would see an average of what kaplan feels my nclex score would be. I also see some people post a diagnostic test score, qtrainer 1, qtrainer 2 etc...

All I am seeing access to is 2 sample nclex tests and a section where i create my own exams.

I dont see a diagnostic test or my sample nclex store. :unsure:

I just purchased the pn Qbank too! I've been studying for a few months now & been focusing on about 100 or more questions 6 days out of the week for like 4 or 5 months now so far I like the Qbank I use it with PDA & it really makes me think like it challenges me anyways I didn't know if there was a "readiness" or like a diagnostic test I only saw the 2 50 question sample tests

& I think the "qtrainers" only come with it if u purchase the live review..I think

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