Published Jan 30, 2006
374 Posts
I logged in a few days ago to get transcripts sent to a few other schools. I had registered to take Intro to Sociology as an independent learning class in Fall 2005, but had to withdraw because my son was having health problems and I knew I couldn't give the class the time it needed. It turns out something went wrong with the withdrawal process and I wasn't withdrawn from the class. Obviously I didn't do the work because I thought I wasn't in the class anymore. They told me there isn't anything they can do about it now, that I should have caught it earlier. It wasn't listed anywhere else, but I suppose they're right, I should have somehow caught it earlier. (I've been taking classes at another school since last summer so haven't had a reason to log onto that school's site.) I didn't save the confirmation I received when I withdrew, so I can't prove it was an error on their end. Big mistake on my part!
I'm not going to apply to their nursing program for a number of reasons, but now I'm terrified that class is going to hurt me when I apply elsewhere. I'm so frustrated! Why didn't I catch it earlier? How is this going to affect my transcripts? On my unofficial transcript it's listed as 'N' which means no grade reported as of yet, but I don't know what it looks like on the official transcripts or how it will appear to schools receiving those transcripts. I want this so badly and now it looks like I may have managed to screw it up because I apparently wasn't paying close enough attention.
I'm sorry, I just needed to vent. I should go to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night since I was at the ER with the baby who had a temp of 105.7. I'm just having a hard time sleeping because I'm worried about how all of this is going to turn out. Well, that and the baby doesn't sleep much!
MikeyJ, RN
1,124 Posts
Are you able to retake the class? If you retake the same class, your new grade usually supersedes the lower grade. Go talk to your advisor and see what your options are. At the university I attend, students who feel they did badly in a class are able to retake the class and that grade will replace the other grade.
2,756 Posts
Each university sets their own rules for how a W is handled. Some schools do let you retake the class and remove the W from your transcript. If that isn't the case at your school, you may just need to settle for writing a letter of explanation to each of the other schools to which you're applying. Admissions committee decide for themselves what information they're willing to consider when making their decision. For some schools, the W may hurt you, for others, not as much.
I did some checking and it turns out I can retake the class for a better grade. I'm concerned about how it will look to potential schools though. Nursing programs are so competitive and they keep saying little things can make or break an applicant.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
I wouldn't sweat it. If the question of a "N" in the course comes up just tell your side of the story as you have here. They should be able to see that there were no other classes taken at the same time to substantiate your story. Retaking the class should smooth things out. The grades you've gotten in your other courses will also tell a story about you as a student. As I was reading your post, I was thinking, Whew! It could have been worse. The instructor could have outright flunked you. Imagine what that would be to deal with!
An F would not be good! With an N essentially meaning not reported, I'm afraid it could turn into an F! I can't get any answers on that either. I'm done taking classes there and have already applied for general admission at several other schools, so the transcripts they'll receive will say N... However, I'm sure there will be some investigation into that to see what exactly that means.
I've been accepted at most but haven't heard back from a few yet. It's just general admission though... I'm afraid this is going to really hurt me now! I feel so stupid for not saving that email longer... I just deleted it around Christmas because I figured I didn't need it anymore.
As for grades, I have A's in all the courses I've taken since returning to school. My worst grade was a C my first semester in 1996. I had a A's and B's other than that my first time out. I hope that counts for something. :uhoh21:
297 Posts
I logged in a few days ago to get transcripts sent to a few other schools. I had registered to take Intro to Sociology as an independent learning class in Fall 2005, but had to withdraw because my son was having health problems and I knew I couldn't give the class the time it needed. It turns out something went wrong with the withdrawal process and I wasn't withdrawn from the class. Obviously I didn't do the work because I thought I wasn't in the class anymore. They told me there isn't anything they can do about it now, that I should have caught it earlier. It wasn't listed anywhere else, but I suppose they're right, I should have somehow caught it earlier. (I've been taking classes at another school since last summer so haven't had a reason to log onto that school's site.) I didn't save the confirmation I received when I withdrew, so I can't prove it was an error on their end. Big mistake on my part!I'm not going to apply to their nursing program for a number of reasons, but now I'm terrified that class is going to hurt me when I apply elsewhere. I'm so frustrated! Why didn't I catch it earlier? How is this going to affect my transcripts? On my unofficial transcript it's listed as 'N' which means no grade reported as of yet, but I don't know what it looks like on the official transcripts or how it will appear to schools receiving those transcripts. I want this so badly and now it looks like I may have managed to screw it up because I apparently wasn't paying close enough attention. I'm sorry, I just needed to vent. I should go to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night since I was at the ER with the baby who had a temp of 105.7. I'm just having a hard time sleeping because I'm worried about how all of this is going to turn out. Well, that and the baby doesn't sleep much!
What type of confirmation did you get from them?
If it was email, can't you check your deleted email folder?
397 Posts
Okay so this is what I've learned in life. Control the things that you can..and let go of those that you cannot. (this is all my opinion)
Step 1. Forget about the fact that you lost the confirmation for withdrawing from the class. If you can't find it, you can't find it...stop kicking're clearly smarter than that so you had a bum day. Let it go.
Step 2. Figure out what will remedy the situation. Is a N or W counted at your new school? Ask them,...if it isn't, then super...they already have your transcripts so go from there...if it is included, if you got all the A's and B's you said you did,...chances are you GPA is somewhat good, you'll probably still be accepted, just retake the class and replace it with the A you would have earned had you been up to completing the class.
Step 3. Let go of drama, sounds like your life is can't take time to fret about things that you can't change. Take charge woman! You can handle this, sounds like it is a very small bump compared to things you've dealt with up to now.
I hope this helps. Just chill, ....breath....think....go from there. Have a great one!
Kim O'Therapy, BSN, RN
773 Posts
I'm curious.....when you withdrew from the class, did you get a tuition refund. Could this refund be proof of you dropping the class before you started? Just a thought. Good luck.
Thank you... Checked the deleted folder - about 100 times! :chuckle No tuition refund as it was just past that date. I'm just going to move forward. I'm not at all happy about the situation, but I can't change it. I CAN take Intro to Sociology at one of the schools I intend to apply to, and it will transfer to the others I'm going to apply to. I'm going to look at it as extra incentive to do very well in my classes from now on so it will be clear it was not indicative of how I will perform in the future.
Those "maybe I should just give up" thoughts have been lurking in the background, but I won't give up on this. This is what I am supposed to do. I can't imagine doing something else. I want this with all of my heart. I WILL make it happen.