I was accepted to WCCCD Spring 2012 RN Nursing Program. Any, How to Prepare Advice?

U.S.A. Michigan


So, what happens next? Any advice? What should I brush up on? What books should I read now, while waiting for the program to begin? Uniforms/equipment requirements? Medical/insurance requirement? Which hospitals/facility offer clinicials? Anything you know now, that you wish you knew before you started the program? I realize that there will be an orientation, but any advice from the student's perspective would be invaluable. Thank you in advance for your time.:nurse:

NPotter, I and I am sure those who follow this thread, LOVE YOU!, Thank you so much!


Hello everyone. I am new here and wanted to thank you for the information posted here. I must say that I am getting nervous and cannot wait to start. I had 2 questions if anyone can answer. Are the books for the first semester in the book store the books that will be used next year? I wanted to buy some of them, but kind of worried they will change them for the next semester. Also a little off topic. Is everyone getting their health profile done by their doctor's office or occupational health?:)

Hi, if you are worried about the books changing, then I would suggest bookrenter.com or waiting until orientation. Also, what I learned about the health requirements, is if you have insurance then go to your regular doctor. If you do not, then it doesn't matter where you go, because you will have to pay. Although, it may be cheaper at a government run health center. The occupational health centers do not accept insurance. The deadline for the medical requirements (except flu shot) is next Tuesday, October 31. The drug test results must be faxed to the nursing office directly from the health center 313 255-7164. If you test negative for Hep B titer then you will have to take a series of three shots. The TB test must be read within 72 hours and most center do not give them on Fridays. Good Luck

This is my third week visiting various hospitals. I take my nursing fundamentals text book and go to the hospital cafeteria to study. While there I pay attention to the clothes, uniforms, id badges and overall interactions. When possible, I walk around the hospital to get a better fill of all the ongoings. I truly enjoy these outings and look forward to applying for externships ASAP.

In less than 15 minutes there are only 8 days to orientation! Spring 2012 schedule is out. 7.5 week sessions are 01-17-12/03-12-12 and 03-15-12/05-07-12. Classes will be held at the Northwest or Western Campus (I hope I get the NW campus).


I am so nervous about tomorrow. Orientation is at the NW campus? What time will you be getting there? Can anyone tell us what to expect. I am an alternate for spring 2012 & I am hoping I will start this January. How long does it take to for an alternate to find out? Up to the beginning of the semester. I am not sure if I should buy the first semester books to start reading over break or wait. I am afraid they will switch book editions.

rbrandnew- How will I find you tomorrow?

Thank you.

Hey can anyone tell me if they've been able to access ACE PASSPORT? I've been entering in my correct username which is the last 5 digits of my student ID plus the first initial of my first name plus my last name and my 8 digit DOB as my password but it's not working.

Good luck J's Mom, I hope you get in. Lillane, I thought we were suppose to wait for an Ace email with further details. Call the Nursing office and ask for ----, she is the one inputting the Ace info.

RBrandnew thanks for the above info. I didnt heart that part during the Ace presentation because i was panicking and trying to decide which hospital to do my clinicals at and which pod to choose from the schedule. I've received all my books and have begun reading. I am so nervous about starting in January. If anyone receives their ACE email soon please post although I'm sure it'll be a while. Good luck everyone!

I know what you mean, all this preparation and I overslept and almost missed orientation. Just goes to show me, not to get ahead of myself. Needless to say, I too was in panic mode. I chose Harper and Northwest Campus. Regarding ACE, I sent an email to the nursing office to double check on access, no response yet. But, I wasn't able to sign on per instructions either, so I'm pretty sure I heard the person in charge of building us into the system say she would send us an email when our login is ready. I found a couple more good sites:

My goal is to really understand the nursing process and how to apply critical thinking. And to learn as much about the application of nursing, such as: how to take vitals, use equipment and fill out forms, before the start of class.

Good Luck to you too!

Thanks for the info RBrandnew! I chose Garden City hospital and I chose pod 4 for the first 7.5 weeks. Anyone else on here in pod 4? Also, did anyone find anywhere cheaper than the uniform store to get their uniforms or is everyone just using them to purchase everything?

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