Published Jan 24, 2010
25 Posts
first of all, does anyone know where I can get obtain a lawyer in michigan that specializes in these types of things? Isnt there some website or something we can do to? I believe there are only a couple in MI.
anyways, my case is complicated so I will try not to make it be.
back in October, I started with HPRP officially. My psychriatrist was prescirbing xanax , my counselor did not tell me not to take it so I took it I beleive for another 3 weeks and then just stopped on my own. I saw the addiciionist and he did a urine drug screen which showed xanax.. and granted this was ALL before my contract was signed. but he made the bigggesttttt deal out of it and said I needed inpt rehab. btwn therapist and him they discussed it and I ended up not going, but to follow their rules, which I was. I havent been attending group last 2 weeks, cuz Iam in the process of finding a new therapist / group. MY current therapist is awful to say the least. shes completely unprofessional, demeaning and disrespectful. I dont feel comfortabl ewith her. I ended up writing my case manager a letter about her and seeing what we could do to change therapists. I , on my own found one and I meet /wher on Monday.
My dillemma is...I spoike with my case manager on monday and she informed me that my therapist and addicitionist feel I need inpatient here we go again......I swear they're out to get me. I mean I have done everything Iam suppose to be doing, I have had no positives drug screens. So now I have to APPEAL IT.
Any suggestions / help? otherwise If I dont appeal it, my case will be closed. DO you think they have a case? since they're all real high up with the community, I hope I have a say and hope they listen to my side.
please write ...thank you.
1 Post
Get HONEST and follow your HPRP contract--which will preserve your license as well as your life!!!This would be a good time to surrender and tell your HPRP caseworker the truth. I've been through Mich-HPRP twice! The 1st time I fought it and cheated my way through---the 2nd time I accepted and did everything asked of me by HPRP and my sponsor,which included an inpatient stay,---and I have been clean and sober for 6 1/2 happy-healthy years.
thank you for your input. But all I have been is HONEST. I feel like my therapist and addictionist are out to get me. I dont know what more I can do. I am going to aa/na, have a sponsor, etc. ya know?
you say you had to go through it twice. can you tell me a little bit of the process of it? Did you have to wait for a period of time befor reapplying? How did it all happen? If you wouldnt mind sharing, I would be most apprecitive.
670 Posts
Contact The American Association of Nurse Attorneys for a referral. If you can't find a nurse attorney with experience in licensure defense in Michigan, find an administrative lawyer with experience in dealing with the board of nursing.
Without knowing the full story it's difficult to give any specific advice or suggestions. I'm a recovering CRNA, peer advisor for our state association, a consultant with a nurse attorney, and have my own education/consulting firm for impaired nurses. Your original post is a bit disjointed (which is perfectly understandable based on the things you's been dealing with lately) and confusing. What happened to get you into HPRP? Was it related to substance abuse, chemical dependence or diversion of meds from the hospital?
If a therapist and an addictionologist recommend inpatient treatment, my initial reaction is you probably need inpatient treatment. Without additional info it's hard to say anything else. What does your psychiatrist have to say regarding the recommendation? Has he/she consulted with the addictionologist and therapist? If not, that might be a wise thing to do.
As for the Xanax, you should have received information from HPRP as to medications to avoid, or what to do if a controlled substance is being prescribed, especially if all of this started due to concerns about addiction. Nurses I consult with who have consent agreements with the BON or are in a state's alternative to discipline program receive very specific instructions regarding controlled substances, who may order controlled substances, and almost always discuss pharmacies (as in, you have to provide a copy of the consent agreement or HPRP agreement to all physicians and pharmacies. Some have even gone so far as to restrict prescriptions to be filled got to only one pharmacy and state only one MD may prescribe all meds).
One of the things they would do during treatment is to help you get meds stabilized, detoxed safely, and lot's of work to help you deal with life's stresses without using mood altering substances. If you have chronic pain issues they would work with a pain management specialist to coordinate care and to help you find pain relief through PT, guided imagery, massage, and non-mood altering medications.
The bottom line is this, if you want to get your license back with no permanent restrictions, you'll have to do what they require. More importantly, and my main concern for you, is that you get well. If you are dealing with significant depression, anxiety, or other mental health issue, you need to get appropriate treatment. Many of us start treating physical pain and/or emotional or psychological pain with alcohol and other mood altering substances. That rarely works. As you and most of us here have discovered, ignoring or treating these issues ourselves only makes things worse not better. Take this time to really focus on yourself and work hard on becoming healthier...physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Feel free to PM me if you need to just vent.
Prayers and hugs!
Without more information, that's
thanks Jack for your support. I feel real bad about everything. I have huge anxiety. I talked to HPRP yesterday and they told me they will go to "team" on wednesday to decide if I can appeal OR simply just change providers. I am hoping I can just change providers, so we shall see. Please pray for me.
You have a disease that wants to destroy everything that's important to you before it kills you. You are not a bad person trying to become good, you have a deadly disease and are trying to get well. Unfortunately, this is the only disease I know if that convinces us we don't have it!
Keep being honest with yourself and those in recovery, take one step at a time, do the next right thing. Simple, but not easy!
how many years have you been clean ? Do you still think about it from time to time? Do you have anxiety? Please share a little of your story with me if you wouldnt mind. I would be most grateful!
btw -
do u want my email address so we can email each other from time to time?
Silverdragon102, BSN
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Just a reminder not to post email addresses on the forums but via the pm system :)
what is the PM system? and how do I access it?
pm = private message and to access it you can either click on the little icon under members name that looks like paper and pencil or go to Myaccount and click on create message. If you go to myaccount you need to know members name where as the little icon automatically completes the name. If member has less than 15 posts they will not be able to reply to the pm