Published Jun 22, 2021
10 Articles; 18,928 Posts
Back at camp after 25 yr hiatus. 80 Staff arrived Fri. & Sat. 200 campers come Sunday; day camp starts Monday. Only RN with 2 SN entering 4th yr college __ both eager, willing to learn and helpful. So far: Day 1: Maintence- weight dropped on finger needing stitches. Day 2: ear infection. Allergies. Day 3: dislocated shoulder throwing ball in pool. Counselors missing daily meds. Day 4: Home sick vs Covid symptoms. New allergies, 3 frequent flyers .... Just usual camp stuff, Knock on wood! ? Job security,
5 Posts
First year as camp nurse. Enjoying it very much! I will say I and my other coworkers here are quite surprised to see how many kids are having behavioral issues (anxiety attacks, self harm, tearfulness). I am curious how much of this has to do with post COVID lock up and isolation. A year of isolation and lock up and now lots of freedom, away from home and in a large camp with hundreds of kids
vampiregirl, BSN, RN
823 Posts
Just finished a great week of camp! The weather was moderate with only 1 rainy/ stormy evening. Had the usual assortment similar to NRSKarenRN. Also as MakeLemonadeRN, I had a higher percentage than usual of camper visits with either a mental health or behavioral component.
3 Posts
A week and a half in and things are going well. Campers and staff were required to Covid test prior to arrival, we PCR tested everyone on arrival and again on day 5! COVID free!! However, we've had an upper respiratory virus spreading like wildfire throughout camp.... nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. We are on the tail end of that thankfully. Overall, everyone seems to be happy and enjoying camp this year, despite all the changes in place due to Covid. One horse bite, one case of head lice, one EMS call for acute asthma exacerbation, and one urgent care visit. Otherwise, typical camp stuff. Wish I could stay the whole Summer, but I'm only here for 3 weeks as my husband is at home. Wishing you all a great Summer!