How well do Bakers credits transfer??


I am thinking about transferring to a four year university because I did not realize that I could only get my associates at Baker?

I do not know for sure, you'd have to ask someone at baker, but ive always heard that bakers credits do not transfer anywhere.

Specializes in Med-Surg/Trauma.

Some of them transfer, some of them don't. Even when they do transfer, a lot of times it will just be as "electives" and will rarely transfer as the same class.

I just did some poking around on Wayne's transfer website and typed in Baker and looked at what transferred. Usually a 4 year university has a function like this online where you will be able to assess your credits and what should transfer.

It looks like some classes from Baker like pharm and patho you would get no credit for whatsoever and others like nutrition would transfer over as a health elective but not as the nutrition class you would need if you were doing Wayne's nursing program (so essentially useless....). The English class and speech transfer evenly as the classes you would need.

Do some online nosing around-- I hope a lot of your credits transfer to your new college of choice!

So to be more specific, I want to go to Madonna University in the fall.

I have meetings set up to go there, but was just interested in if anyone else had tried to transfer or how the credits transferred!

Thanks so far for your guys' help!


I went to a technical college and did a program there I needed 3 classes to get my certificate from the technical college Comp, Math, and Psych. I moved away right after I transferred to an actual college to continue my education so I did not finish those classes. I sent my transcript from Baker to this technical college and they will not accept them. Okay a technical college won't even take them? WTH.:angryfire

wow shannonmarie, that is horrible. I hope that does not happen with me. Hopefully they except at least something!

I don't know why, but I just absolutely hate Baker!!!


"How well do Bakers credits transfer??" In short: not very.

I swear by the Michigan Transfer Network! All you have to do is select the college you are transferring from with the college you are transferring to. For example: Baker to Madonna.

In my experience, I have transferred my credits from Baker to MCC. My 4 credit Baker classes are worth 2 (and some change) credits at MCC due to the semester/quarter b.s. My A+P I and A+P II classes at Baker count as ONE A+P class at MCC. At HFCC, both A+P I and II at Baker count for HFCC's A+P I, so I actually have to take HFCC's A+P II in order to fulfill their A+P requirement. (Is your head spinning yet?)

I would check out the MI transfer network and see what you can figure out, and then be sure to double check with Madonna (or where ever you want to go) and make sure that the classes match what the transfer network says.

Some extra advice: I would fully check out every program you can before making a decision, since it is very hard to get into nursing school anywhere. Too many students, not enough teachers and clinical spots to accommodate them. Also, be careful with Baker. I don't refer to them as my albatross for nothin'. :lol2:

Thanks ToxicShock, you were EXTREMELY helpful. I am just really nervous that my credits from Baker are not going to transfer to Madonna, and at the end of this semester I will have completed 34 credit hours. UGH! But I am going to check out the Michigan Transfer Network site. No matter what I am transferring to Madonna though. Baker is horrible, and I need to get out of there.

I went to Baker for awhile and am now going to Macomb, and my credits did transfer but only as 2.38 credit hours per class. They also only counted as elective credits, even English. I'm not sure if all the colleges accept them the same way as Macomb, but that is what happened when I transfered them over.

I went to Baker for awhile and am now going to Macomb, and my credits did transfer but only as 2.38 credit hours per class. They also only counted as elective credits, even English. I'm not sure if all the colleges accept them the same way as Macomb, but that is what happened when I transfered them over.

Did you have to take all the classes over again?

I did have to retake english, but I would have anyways to get the higher grade. Nursing is so competitive that a B+ wouldn't have cut it anyways. As for the rest, I just left them as elective credits so that I will still have enough credits to earn the associates degree. I think certain credits might have to be taken again because the credit hours are different, but you would have to talk to someone at the school about that.

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