How do U approach new patients?

Nursing Students General Students


For all you other students when you go to clinicals how do you approach your new patients for the first time? Do you interact with them as a student or do you just pretend you are already the RN (in your own mind)? What I mean is do you make apoint to say that you are a student and you are assigned do this this and that with them....or do you just go in introduce yourself get to work?

I also wondered what some of you do during a physical assessment, Do you chit chat and just go through the motions of auscultating, pulses, cap refills etc without telling them exactly what why your doing each thing........or do you say "Im going to do a physical assessment on you now, first I will listen to your heart, now Im going to check your bowels sounds etc.

I know some doctors have the style of just chatting you up while they look you over, and some like to explain each little step. I dont think one of the other is right/wrong I just was curious how others approach the situation.

Our director of nursing once said nurses are the worlds greatest actors/actresses. We have to put on certain faces in certain sitiuations whether its a smile during a code brown or a supportive voice to a pregnant 14 yr old.

I tend to chit chat but I think I end up not paying attention to what Im doing. How bout yall?

For all you other students when you go to clinicals how do you approach your new patients for the first time? Do you interact with them as a student or do you just pretend you are already the RN (in your own mind)? What I mean is do you make apoint to say that you are a student and you are assigned do this this and that with them....or do you just go in introduce yourself get to work?

I also wondered what some of you do during a physical assessment, Do you chit chat and just go through the motions of auscultating, pulses, cap refills etc without telling them exactly what why your doing each thing........or do you say "Im going to do a physical assessment on you now, first I will listen to your heart, now Im going to check your bowels sounds etc.

I know some doctors have the style of just chatting you up while they look you over, and some like to explain each little step. I dont think one of the other is right/wrong I just was curious how others approach the situation.

Our director of nursing once said nurses are the worlds greatest actors/actresses. We have to put on certain faces in certain sitiuations whether its a smile during a code brown or a supportive voice to a pregnant 14 yr old.

I tend to chit chat but I think I end up not paying attention to what Im doing. How bout yall?

I wish so bad I had been brave enough to ask that same question before I started. I was really nervous about all the assessing and all. You got some great advice from others on this subject, and you will do better than I did... all because I was too afraid to ask, lol

I second the above poster.

When I was a student, I introduced myself something like:

"Hi my name is ,. I'm a student nurse from IVCC and I'll be taking care of you today [with if there is a staff nurse also assigned to the pt]." Then of course asked if I could assess them, and always asked every time before I left the room if there was anything else I could do for them before I leave.

The word game kind of plays a part here. If you say "nursing student" it sounds more like a student... if you say "student nurse" it sounds more like a nurse. Both are the same, but the wording is more appropriate because in the hospital, you are acting and learning as a student nurse. And I think that little detail might add a fraction of comfort to the pts you take care of. *shrug*

good luck!


I must say that you took the words out of my mouth! Except on the shrug :lol2:

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

I always introduce myself as "Hi, I'm X, and a student nurse from ..... and I'll be taking care of you most of the day until...xxxx....are YOU comfortable with that?" Some patients don't want students.....Also, as you assess, make sure you mention what you're going to do before you do it....don't assess neuro unless there's an issue, etc....

Always know what You're giving a pt. and what color each pill is, some patients ask "what's this pink one?" also, be aware that nervousness shows in your interactions, treat patients like you would want to be treated....and you'll be fine..

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