How to you track weights?


I work in a SNF with lots of CHF patients. The MDs are very, very into monitoring weights. Every patient on the floor is on weekly weights per facility protocol. Then depending on various factors the MDs order biweekly, three times weekly, every other day or daily weights.

Our current methods for tracking the weights are a total mess. The CNAs write the weights on the vitals board when they get them. The weights more frequent than weekly someone usually marks off in the MAR or TAR to write them in. Many nurses seem to forget to write them in the MAR or every changeover they forget to write the last couple weights in so it's not that helpful.

So in come the MDs. They start asking for weights and I'm going crazy...there's like a week's worth on the vital sign board, then they get transferred to a binder, I'm in the MAR and TAR...if it's changeover I'm pulling out old kardexes trying to find the past few weights. Somehow the unit manager is never around and I seem to be the first one they see to ask about weights...I've asked the unit manager about starting a weight book or some better system but she's so busy she hasn't had time to address it.

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a dedicated weight book. How does your facility track weights? I think I'd have to group them by frequency and then just list every weight going across by date so you can easily see the weight changes over the longest possible period of time on one sheet.

Also, HUGE problems getting weights done at all. Anyone have anything that has helped? I am not above pulling the scale around with my med cart at times...I also have resorted to blocking one of the dining rooms must get on the scale to pass type of thing. I have also suggested that cardiac weights should be done at the same time every morning on 11-7 (maybe have one CNA start at 6am to help get weights?) but that sunk like a lead balloon. So we have them being done all random times of the day and afternoon...pretty much negating their relevancy? Very frustrating.

I work in a SNF with lots of CHF patients. The MDs are very, very into monitoring weights. Every patient on the floor is on weekly weights per facility protocol. Then depending on various factors the MDs order biweekly, three times weekly, every other day or daily weights.

Our current methods for tracking the weights are a total mess. The CNAs write the weights on the vitals board when they get them. The weights more frequent than weekly someone usually marks off in the MAR or TAR to write them in. Many nurses seem to forget to write them in the MAR or every changeover they forget to write the last couple weights in so it's not that helpful.

So in come the MDs. They start asking for weights and I'm going crazy...there's like a week's worth on the vital sign board, then they get transferred to a binder, I'm in the MAR and TAR...if it's changeover I'm pulling out old kardexes trying to find the past few weights. Somehow the unit manager is never around and I seem to be the first one they see to ask about weights...I've asked the unit manager about starting a weight book or some better system but she's so busy she hasn't had time to address it.

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a dedicated weight book. How does your facility track weights? I think I'd have to group them by frequency and then just list every weight going across by date so you can easily see the weight changes over the longest possible period of time on one sheet.

Also, HUGE problems getting weights done at all. Anyone have anything that has helped? I am not above pulling the scale around with my med cart at times...I also have resorted to blocking one of the dining rooms must get on the scale to pass type of thing. I have also suggested that cardiac weights should be done at the same time every morning on 11-7 (maybe have one CNA start at 6am to help get weights?) but that sunk like a lead balloon. So we have them being done all random times of the day and afternoon...pretty much negating their relevancy? Very frustrating.

My old workplace supervisor printed out assignments for everyone. The weekly weights are done with the weekly showers. They note [shw/wgt] next to resident room on the assignment sheet. CNA responsible for that assignment has to get the wgt. Nurse responsible for that assigment has to co-sign at end of shift it was done. Of course it is hard to implement anything new.. especially if it seems like more work for anyone :(

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

We have a weight book with a page for every resident. Weekly weights are done on shower day. Daily weights for monitoring fluid overload for CHF go in the MAR and are done as soon as the resident wakes up.

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