How to pay for nursing school?!? Help!


Hello All! Looking at the different options for applying to different BSN programs, money is starting to become a huge factor!

Mid America Nazarene University has a 12 month program available but it is close to $35,000 (Not including books) so probably closer to $40,000 at least. I would not be able to work during this time and while my living expenses would be covered b/c I have been saving up, I will have to take out a loan to cover the cost of the whole program. Is that a lot to pay for a 12 month nursing program at a private university?

Other schools such as Baker (Topeka KS) and University of Kansas have 2 year year programs (non-accelerated) so the workload may be a bit lighter so I could probably work throughout the program and I could work full time during the summers. Additionally, both Baker and KU are cheaper than Mid American Nazarene University. KU is a public school so overall it would be close to half of the price of MNU and I could maybe work some hours during that program so that would be really helpful.

What have you done in regards to paying for school aside from student loans - what type of part time jobs did you have? Any that allowed you to maybe study while working?? Any opinions on what the best option would be?

(This is all assuming I get accepted to any of these schools!!)

Specializes in PCT, RN.

A little different, but have you considered Butler? They have a great nursing program and a lot of hospitals will take a Butler grad over another school because of their great reputation and standing. It's a CC so it's cheaper.

My mom went there and she's a great nurse and has never had any issues with getting a job.

Try applying for financial aid and scholarships!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

First, find out what you can realistically expect to make in your first year as a nurse- not the salary reported on such sites as as it's an average of every nurse regardless of experience, but as a new grad with zero experience. Then, don't plan on taking out a loan larger than that amount- that's just a good rule of thumb for any college, not just nursing school.

Then, make sure any schools you are applying to are accredited and approved by the BON. Look at things such as NCLEX pass rates, percentage of students who finish the program, reputation at area hospitals, etc. Just because a school may accept you doesn't mean it's the best place to go.

Are you currently working as a CNA/PCT/other healthcare related position? Does your employer offer any kind of tuition assistance? You may find that some will offer such a benefit for those who have worked for them for a set amount of time as long as they are willing to work an additional set amount of time after the last money was paid out.

What about grants and scholarships? Yes, it means effort and time on your part in writing the essays and completing other requirements to qualify as an applicant, but it is a way to pay for school.

Thanks for the advice!! I have not looked into Butler but I will - do the offer a BSN or just an ADN?

Rose_Queen - I am not working as a CNA or in any other healthcare position, but I am hoping to find a position in that field within the next few months. I do not have a CNA certification, but there are a few places that offer the program both on weekends and during the day, so I will most likely have to do weekends since I am currently working full time.

I definitely agree and think scholarships and grants would be a good idea. I have reviewed NCLEX pass rates and actually ruled out one school because their pass rates are on the decline and were 74% for last year. I know that is not the only determining factor, but that along with other red flags was the reason I ruled the school out.

I haven't tried to research salary for new grads, so I will look into that more.

Thank you for your help with this. Much appreciated!

Specializes in PCT, RN.
Thanks for the advice!! I have not looked into Butler but I will - do the offer a BSN or just an ADN?

It looks like it's the ASN. But could still be cost effective to get your ASN first then do a one-year bridge to the BSN.

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