Published Feb 12, 2015
Cruz.Cookie, BSN, RN
119 Posts
A manager I know gave the DON my resume and he was instantly interested. She texted me his buisness card and said to "text him he wants to meet with you ". Since she knew him personally I texted him --no response. Emailed him the next day ob a Friday --no response. Tried calling it went straight to voicemail. My friends are telling me to be more aggressive so I'm thinking to call him real early tommorow leave a voicemail , then try calling mid afternoon to see if I can catch him. When the manager contacted me and he was talking to her it was 12pm...what should I do ?? He seemed so interested ..he even asked what hours would I work . I have all his contact information yet he's not responding. I don't want to "show up" unannounced because the manager says the DON's are busy and would just whoosh me away. Ughhh it's been two weeks. I just need that interview to sell myself officially. Any advice would be so grateful. I will continue to be persistent.
3,677 Posts
Try each method of contact again. You can even say, "I sent you a text as well, and will give you a call this afternoon" in an e-mail, for example. Stay on it. Stay in touch with your friend, and get feedback on what the manager is saying if anything.
392 Posts
Be persistent, just be cautious that you don't become too pushy. Your messages and e-mails show that you're taking initiative and attempting to follow up. DON's are surely very busy people and often it's difficult to get in touch with those near the top of the ladder.
If it makes you feel any better, I interviewed in mid-January for a RN position and was just notified that I got the position. A little different than your situation, however remember the whole process can be rather slow. I know it's hard to be patient when you really want something!
Just curious, does your manager friend who put you in touch with the DON know if the facility is currently hiring? Or was it more of a favor/networking type thing? I say this because maybe the DON has to get approval (due to budgets, etc) and get through the red tape before being authorized to hire new staff. Just a thought and I may be way off base here as I'm not sure of what all a DON's role entails and what authorities they possess.
Good luck and keep us posted :)
Be persistent, just be cautious that you don't become too pushy. Your messages and e-mails show that you're taking initiative and attempting to follow up. DON's are surely very busy people and often it's difficult to get in touch with those near the top of the ladder.If it makes you feel any better, I interviewed in mid-January for a RN position and was just notified that I got the position. A little different than your situation, however remember the whole process can be rather slow. I know it's hard to be patient when you really want something! Just curious, does your manager friend who put you in touch with the DON know if the facility is currently hiring? Or was it more of a favor/networking type thing? I say this because maybe the DON has to get approval (due to budgets, etc) and get through the red tape before being authorized to hire new staff. Just a thought and I may be way off base here as I'm not sure of what all a DON's role entails and what authorities they possess.Good luck and keep us posted :)
Well actually I got ahold of the DON (he said he remembered me) and I got a tour of the unit and a little interview. He told me what hours can I work and said "these are the rooms you would be assigned to". He then transferred me to the nurse who was looking for a student. I talked to her for about 15 minutes and she said I'll see you soon. I meet up with the DON ..he tells me to call him on his cellphone by the way..and he
Says hell talk to the nurse and a recruiter should contact me. I left confused because I'm still not sure if I got the job or not. The next day he texts me "what's your last name". So I don't know what that necessarily means.
And it was for an open position as a
Student nurse. I applied and everything but I wanted more direct contact to stand out from
Other applicants. It is not a huge facility.