How Often Do You Check...?


We have recently started checking blood pressures on almost every resident almost every time before we give blood pressure medication. This was something started by a newish DON. Our computer program allows us to check how often medications and we have only held medication three times since the new orders to check were received (about four months ago).

We are also checking blood glucose more often. We have several residents who we check four times a day. We have had levels low enough to hold insulin only twice.

The same goes for pulse oximetry. We check everyone who uses oxygen at least twice a day. Several residents get checked four times a day. I can see it for the one or two who sometimes need their oxygen bumped up to three or four liters, but most of our residents run between 93% and 99% consistently. We have no orders to increase the flow rate for anything below 90%.

None of if takes a long time, but 10 blood pressures, 8 blood sugars, and 22 pulse ox readings certainly can add up to more than a few minutes!

We do not do daily BS....unless this is a resident who has poor intake and is on insulin. Or if they are displaying signs of hyper/hypoglycaemia. Most of our controlled diabetics are once a week random blood sugars. And A1C q3mons. It's our nursing decisions if we increase BS frequency ie if metformin is increased. BP's are every 3 months unless medications were increased /decreased we would monitor BID for one week.

This is not acute care and This is their home....and we would never have time to do anything else with all those tasks.

Specializes in hospice.
We do not do daily BS....

My job is FULL of daily BS....just sayin'. :p

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

I've spent hours looking through the emar to check how many times a blood pressure med was held. If the med wasn't held in the past 90 days, I ask the docs to dc the parameters. It is an intrusion to check blood pressues and blood sugars. If they are stable, leave them alone!!

I've spent hours looking through the emar to check how many times a blood pressure med was held. If the med wasn't held in the past 90 days, I ask the docs to dc the parameters. It is an intrusion to check blood pressues and blood sugars. If they are stable, leave them alone!!

Our software program will do it for you if you know where to click. I just find it ridiculous to check things multiple times a day on someone who is historically stable. None of the times we've held B/P meds would have likely resulted in tanking or death if they had been administered. They were all B/Ps like 98/64 with hold parameters of 100/60. I think that frequent checks being an "intrusion" is a good way to describe it. Will be bringing this up at our monthly pharmacy meeting this week.

Specializes in OR/PACU/med surg/LTC.

Our MD is the one who orders the parameters. Most often vitals are routine (every three months) but will often do weekly x4 and then reassess the need. Or daily x certain numbers of days. Blood sugars obviously for a sliding scale insulin but maybe weekly or biweekly on residents who are stable on metformin or lantus. It's always a nursing judgement. If resident is acting off, then a set of vitals is helpful.

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