I'd say it's going ok. I have high expectations of for myself so when I mess up I'm really mad at myself.
I think the most trouble I'm having is with the Pyxis. I've never had to use anything like it so it has been difficult to get use to it, scanning the patient's bracelet & then the meds. Then dealing with the narcotics. Oy! That's a whole other story! Have to have a witness to get them out AND to waste them. Holy hell. I'm trying to get use to that! I'm not use to that. I'm use to working in corrections so nurses didn't pass meds & the inmates rarely if ever got narcotics.
When I worked in nursing homes it was all on paper & we didn't have to go through so many steps like this. It's a whole new world to me. I feel bad & mad for messing up. I should know better but it's all so new.
I also feel kind of bored, it seems all monotonous. Go in, get report, pass meds, lunch, pass meds, give report. Blah. Same thing day in & day out. Maybe it will be different when I'm off orientation but man, I feel so bored with it. There aren't any codes or anything exciting that happens. I can see why no one stays in med/surg departments for long. I already want to bridge & move to the ICU or ER after I get RN med/surg experience.