My university (and I'm sure most others) recommends that we spend 3 hours for every one credit studying ( 4 credit class = 12 hours studying and so on). Well I find that I put WAY more time than that into my studies.
I know I've said it about a hundred times on this forum, but I am taking Anatomy and Anatomy Lab (my school separates A & P into two classes) this semester. In total 4 credits... Today marks my second week of classes and I have already put in well over 50 hours of reading, open lab time, study exercises, and I watch the corresponding lecture videos from the Intro to A&P class. The videos aren't as in depth as the regular Anatomy class goes, but it gives me the basic concepts of each chapter.
So I'm wondering how much time do you put into studying? Are you one of those lucky people that can read something once and completely understand it? Or are you like me and studying becomes a full-time job?