How much did you really use your textbooks?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone!

I'm starting my ADN program next week. Syllabus was finally posted today and the textbook list is insanely long (and expensive.) It's nothing I didn't expect, but I'm wondering if I should rent/buy all textbooks now or wait to see which ones we use the most in class and purchase those. How much did you use the textbooks in your first semester? When I took A&P II we were required to purchase the $250 textbook but then we never referenced the book in class. I'm sure it varies by program and professor but I'm curious about your experiences. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS if anyone has good suggestions on where to buy used nursing textbooks, I would love to know!!

I was absolutely broke so I had to buy books through my school bookstore. New. So far I've used consistently my fundamentals, & med surg. The book we got for learning concept maps was pretty useless. I'll be using my OB/peds book & med surg this semester. I live in my Davis drug guide book but barely touched the laboratory values and procedures book. I have 3 books I haven't touched but I know those are for next year. I've bought all the NCLEX supplemental study books and use those for review questions.

What books are on your list, if you don't mind me asking? It would be easier to tell you if it's worth buying if we knew what the book was.

Ignatavicius & Workman (2015). Medical-Surgical nursing Vol 1 & 2 Eighth Edition

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Ignatavicius Medical-Surgical Nursing (7th ed.).

Kee, J. L., Hayes, E. R. & McCuistion, L. E. (2015). Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach. (8th ed.)

Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (5th ed.)

Elsevier Adaptive Quizing for NCLEX-RN.

Mosby's Nursing Skills DVD or E-access.

Silvestri & Silvestri, Saunders 2014-2015 Strategies for Test Success (3rd ed.),

Wilkinson & Treas, Fundamentals of nursing Vol. 1 & 2 (3rd edition)

Doenges, M. E. & Moorhouse, M. F. (2013). Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

Medication Handbook of your Choice (Faculty Favorites: Davis, Mosby)

Just copied and pasted from my syllabus.

Thanks for your input!! :)

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