How Much Homework in CNA School?


I've heard the training isn't too intense, but I was wondering how much homework is typically involved? I'll be taking the classes over an 8-week period in the evenings. I don't work, but I am taking a full course load of nursing school pre-requisites during the day becuase my ultimate goal is to go into a BSN program in a year. I just want to figure out if this is something that is doable for me, or if I should skip the CNA training all together and just focus on getting in to nursing school. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!

I didn't have much homework. It was mainly optional. Our class had packets to do for extra credit, too. Which really helped on test day. Also, I believe I studied my abbreviations often, but no more than 30-40 minutes.

CNA class: the EASIEST nursing class you will ever experience.

Probably, not a lot of homework but it depends on the instructor.

We never had any and I seriously don't remember doing any studying, lol.

However, my instructor was hardcore with clinical... and I thank her for that.

Good luck in your class!

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