How much is the average RN salary in Seattle?

U.S.A. Washington


Hello, how much is the average salary for BSN-RNs in the Seattle area? We are planning to make a move as it is closer to family. What does it compare to the cost of living?

Most of the major hospitals in the area have their union contracts available for public view; you can look up exact salaries based on your years of experience, as well as shift differentials. Just google "collective bargaining agreement" + the hospital name. IMO, Seattle nursing salaries are pretty low relative to the rapidly rising cost of living. There are plenty of forums on this topic if you browse through the 'Washington Nurses' forums.

WSNA is the main union in this area, like adventures Rn said you can look up the salaries. Harborview, Virginia Mason (where I work) if you want a ED job there's openings, Swedish, Northwest hospital, over lake, etc etc. I do know that the VM clinic nurses are not part of the union so they get paid less. Good luck!

Roughly $30 and up in acute care. For long term care would start around $27+

Cost of living is very high. If you are looking specifically in Seattle and the Eastside (across the bridge) houses cost an arm and 2 legs.

When I was working as a RN in Seattle with 3-4 years experience, certification pay and not taking benefits on per diem I was making ~$40/hr but a lot of times I would also have a student or new hire with me which gave me additional $1/hr, or staying over during part of evening shift, etc would add a little more. Swedish union is through SEIU so you could look on that site for union rights/pay there.

Swedish Medical Center | SEIU Healthcare 1199NW

I believe in the Seattle area BSN is pretty standard so there isn't extra pay that goes along with that. Seattle has gorgeous summers I hope you have a positive experience.

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