How to mention pending offers while interviewing for nurse positions

Nurses Job Hunt



I am a new grad who is interviewing for a position I really want in Chicago on Monday. However, I have received a good opportunity in Michigan and need to accept or decline the offer the same day as my interview in Chicago. I am wondering if it is okay to bring it up at the end of my interview by kindly mentioning I have an offer pending. I was thinking I could reiterate the fact that if given the position in Chicago I would take it hands down, but just need to know soon what the possibility of getting it is. For this situation, is there a good way to bring it up or is it better to just avoid mentioning the other offer. I'm hoping to be able to leave the interview with some insight on my prospects at the job so that I can make a decision the same day about my offer I have pending. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

I'm not in this situation but it was interesting to read the advice people left!

Just curious but how did everything pan out then?

Play these good cards you've been dealt correctly!

Accept the Michigan offer. You will have NOTHING to lose if Chicago comes through and then must decline. Of course , you would not start an orientation. This will buy you time.

Ask in the interview.. what is the next step and how soon can I start?

Playing the hiring game is hard... make sure it is on YOUR field.

Good luck.. keep us posted.

I agree i would accept the first offer because you can always decline later... but what i have found difficult in the past is getting and accepting an offer than having another offer for an interview because i find it difficult to make time for the interview once i started a job...

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