How many are pursuing nursing studies just for the money?

Nursing Students General Students


I was just curious about this. I always see other people post that they are not interested in the amount of money or that they are not in nursing for the money (as we all know that nurses don't make that much). But is it true? Are we fooling ourselves or what?

I often see other posters deny that increase in salary would benefit the nursing shortage... What do you guys think?

I personally think that increase in salary would make a big difference but that it is not the only solution to the shortage. I didn't go into nursing mainly for the salary but I'm not ignoring it as well...

Opinions! This is a no flames thread!:D

To be honest, I am not quite sure why I decided to become a nurse. I thought about it in high school that it seemed kind of interesting, but my parents were thinking I could become a shrink or something like that. Me, I wanted to be a professional violinist in some orchestra, even though there just isn't any money in it. Then, I turned 18 and realized that I had to get serious about life and really think about a career, once again I considered nursing. At 21, an opportunity came up for me to go to school for free, and I didn't even have to think about it. I automatically chose nursing. And to be honest, I had no experience in health care and really didn't know what nurses did. I also had no clue how much money they made. I just thought it was something I knew I could do. So, given my ignorance to the profession when I first started, I guess I lucked out because as time went on in school, I grew to love it.

I am going into nursing school for the following reasons, all fairly equal:

1) schedule - 3x12hrs w/ 4 days off at night (I love working nights) plus overtime anytime I want extra toys

2) money, ICU +spanish +people skills I can start near $30hr or more if I take pay-in-lue of benefits (and buy my own beni's)

3) variety & interest, I only want to work ICU and I currently as Cert. Nurse Assit I am already loving the depth of knowledge required in ICU and Trauma

4) Only 16months to graduate, in Jan I start an accel program that in only 16months!

5) Travel nursing or just an easy change whenever I wish

I am 33 & I have done a variety of things in life, currently nursing best matches my interest & needs. I wouldn't even think about it for less than $20 an hour and I doubt many others would either. Unless of course you live somewhere with really low cost of living.

Oh and too all of you who are slamming those who live in reality and think of the money I am sure you have all offered to have your wages cut in order to allow your facility to hire more staff to help with the work load.

Oh and all of you who wish nursing had more respect & professionalism, well high wages go a long ways to establishing that in this world.

Just my thoughts and remember this is a flame free thread, I am just commenting :)

1 leg lance

P.S. I don't have to work and I could work for free but that would bring down my entire profession so you can bet I will always fight for the highest wage possible, it shows I value myself & management should value me also.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Originally posted by Tilleycs

How much did YOU know when you were 18?

Not much which is why i put off college, i had no desire to major in something that i had absolutely no clue about and spending half my life in school. But that's just me. Out of my graduating class of 105, 83 are back in school again due to majoring in something they had no idea about and wound up hating.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Originally posted by Sarah, RNBScN

I was shocked when I asked a group of 3rd year nursing students why they chose this profession. Alot said "MONEY" and I was sickened by that response. I definitely wouldn't want someone who has entered this profession to look after me for the "money".


And there are plenty of professions out there, that you could help people a lot more than being an RN that pay peanuts. A CNA frequently gives more hands on person to person help in a Nursing Home, yet is paid much less.

If we didn't care about money, we would join the clergy or the Peace Corp, etc.

The fact is most of us care about people AND money.

Do I have a problem being cared for by someone that cares mostly about the money? Well if they want to earn the most money, they will become the finest nurse, possible. Therefore, I would be getting the best care, and there is nothing wrong with that.

One would hope that they have a passing interest in both.

I want JOB SECURITY! I have a degree in Industrial engineering. I have worked for 3 companies that have closed due to overseas competition! Nursing will be a cut in pay from what I am used to. But peace of mind in knowing that I will be in a profesion that will always be needed and skills that cant be sent over seas. This is what I want is peace of mind and the added bonus of helping people.

I'd be lying if I didn't say money was ONE factor in choosing to apply to nursing school. I do have a family to support (and I've been the major breadwinner in my family for the past 5 years, so that trend is liable to continue)..

I am still torn between nursing and a few other health professions, for a variety of reasons - I just can't seem to make up my mind. Still a nursing major for now, though.

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