HOW MANY of you have passed NCLEX-RN with 110 questions?

Nursing Students NCLEX


  1. did you?

    • 4
      PASSED with 110 questions
    • 4
      FAILED with 110 questions

8 members have participated


I just finished taking the nclex for the third time..It shut off at 110 questions. How many have you passed or failed?

YOU WILL PASS!! have that in your mind..the test is not hard..use common sense or use strategies that you use to those questions that are hard for you..BREATHE, BE CONFIDENT, AND PRAY!!!...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!:)

Sasha, thank-you so much, im so nervous beyond words.... yesterdays had to wake-up at the middle of the night to take antacid, i tend to get heartburn when im under stressed, i couldn't sleep, was just thinking about the exams, its coming in one week time... freaking out... please say a prayer for us..... how did you review your infection control and pharmacology?

Studied like hell and felt ready. When it didn't shut off at 75, I felt defeated. I really thought I was nailing it up to that point. Went all the way up to 110 and by that time I was starting to lose hope. Felt good about it overall, but you know how it goes....think you did well, you didn't....think you didn't, you DID! Had myself convinced I failed. Those 48 hours were the longest of my life. Logged on this morning, paid the $7.95 and lo and behold....PASSED!!!! So if it shuts off at 110, don't despair. There is always hope! Never lose it!

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