Published Dec 23, 2005
585 Posts
Hi everyone,
I am starting online graduate school with one course in Theory on Jan.17th. I am already worried about how I will find time to do this. Please understand. It is not the work, and it is not my schedule. It is ME. I am obsessive compulsive about work and school needing to do everything perfectly. I also am a very slow worker because of the perfectionism and the fact that I can only learn visually. I realized this when I literally started copying my textbooks, reading my writing, and getting A's. Just reading and highlighting brought me C's. Just listening to instructors or tapes, without note taking, would bring me an F. I wouldn't retain anything. I personally think it is a learning disability. Even in learning procedures in nursing school, I can't just watch and then do. I have to do it myself while the instructor guides-step by step. Therefore, I can only read and understand fiction (which I love-especially nursing biographies) But when it comes to textbooks, I have to read and copy and then study my own writing.
Because of this, I have never been able to work and go to school at the same time except when doing clinicals which related to school. At this point in my life, I have no small children at home, and I am not working. Taking one course should be a breeze for a regular person. I have just remarried in July. My ex divorced me because I was a workaholic, so he said. But that is another whole story-girlfriend and all lol. I love my new husband, but he is extremely needy. He works full time, BUT he calls me constantly asking me to do little jobs and errands. When he is home, he wants my full attention. He does not like when I am on the phone or on the computer. So studying when he is home is out of the question.
Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. I adore him , and I am so thankful we are together. It is just that I really have a need to be a nurse and get my NP degree, so I can be a psych nurse. I have been through a lot, and nursing means a lot to me. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of a schedule I could make up and have him agree on . How many hours a day do you study? How much extra time do you think I would need with my learning disability? Have you made up schedules to fit in child care, husbands , working etc? Did you discuss it with your husbands or wives or significant others? Did it help? Did you stick to the schedule? I am also recovering from two abdominal surgeries and need to fit in accupuncture and physical therapy. I shop and cook a full dinner every night. I have three adult kids and hubby has two adult kids with a baby on the way. The kids need me a lot too.
If you don't have time to write a lot, can you just tell me how many hours a day you study in grad school? If I know how many hours a day I am going to put into this, I will not get backed up and stressed. Also, what is best for you? Do you study in the AM or PM? Personally, I am more of a day person-bright eyed and bushy tailed after my first cup of caffeinated tea.
Thanks Krisssy RN MA NP to b
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Krissy - I wish you luck. Everyone is different and their needs differ too. Since you have an identified LD - what about talking with the ADA advisor at the school? That would get you a general idea of things. Good luck.
66 Posts
I hear you, Krisssy, and I believe we share several self-defining characteristics: perfectionist, LDs, OCD, "...have a need to be a nurse and get my NP degree".
I can only share with you what has worked for me.
Strive for perfection...settle for excellence.
Aquire the knowlege to fulfill the course objectives...a B is acceptable.
Plan at least 3 hours of uninterrupted study a week for every 3 hour course.
Ask your family to support you and your decision to seek an advanced degree. Help them to understand that this is a temporary, yet neccessary sacrifice which will allow you to obtain your goal.
I hear you, Krisssy, and I believe we share several self-defining characteristics: perfectionist, LDs, OCD, "...have a need to be a nurse and get my NP degree".I can only share with you what has worked for me.Strive for perfection...settle for excellence.Aquire the knowlege to fulfill the course objectives...a B is acceptable.Plan at least 3 hours of uninterrupted study a week for every 3 hour course.Ask your family to support you and your decision to seek an advanced degree. Help them to understand that this is a temporary, yet neccessary sacrifice which will allow you to obtain your goal.
When you say you study three hours a week, does that include assigned reading and writing papers? Thanks Krisssy
233 Posts
Hello, All
Each learning disabled has a schedule that works for them, individually. I know for myself who is a learning disabled and learn things through hands-on. I spend more than three hours a week for a course that is three credits. I had 12 credit hours this past semester (which was four classes) and I was not working. I had a lot of papers to write, online discussions which required a six hours a week and each day a response from each student. In addition, I had to read my assignments as well as to complete my exams online. I was a leader of a discussion for a two weeks and it was hard being a moderator and commenting on everyone posts and redirection. Therefore, my assignments for those four classes were demanding and I began with five courses (which I had to dropped one for sanity due to a wicked professor).
You will know how much of time that will be require for each class. The rule of thumb for each credit hour that you spend in class than one hour out of class each day. For example, a theory class of three credit hours willl require three hours each day out of class. Not everyone needs 21 hours per week to study and others may need the 21 hours to complete their assignments, reading and discussions. Only you will know how much time for you to be able to grasp the materials, assignments and discussions. Therefore, begin class, read through the assignments and the syllabes for all exams, discussions, and projects.
Now, you need to have a chat with your husband about the goals you would like to accomplish in your career. You need to explain to him that you are not divorcing yourself from him by continuing your education to enhance your career. You need to explain to him that self growth is not a negative thing or the end of your relationship. It is what everyone needs to feel good about their self and it is an essential tool of life. Once it is deny, than a person stops growing and begins to detoriate as an individual. After a certain amount time passes by, than the lower self esteem and self worth a person begins to posses within their mind and heart. Therefore, this is a career change to a higher level to meet your career goals and as individual who wants to make a diference to those who are in need for medical assistance.
Controlling is not a healthy situation. If this occurring and does not permit you to have time for yourself, improving upon your skills and knowledge than you need assistance in standing up for yourself. He has to understand that you are strive to be the best as well as to enhance your contribution to the household by having weekends off, incrase salafy and a better opportunity in life as well as in your career. That is an issue you need to look at with open eyes and try to communicate with him or obtain a mediator. Therefore, controlling is not a healthy relationship, working together as one is a very healthy relationship and no one will be deny time from you or anyone in the family.
Provide a schedule for yourself on a big desk calender. Write down all of your assignments, discussions, and exams on the calender. Then schedule time when you would like to read, complete your assignment and readings. Schedule time for your household chores, husband, family, and friends. Also, most important alone time for yourself with out any course work, family and husband. Do something you would like to do for a stress releaser as well as excerise every day (seven days a week). Then present it to your husband and the childred as the same time. Hopefully, it will be accepted by them and they can see their time as well. Therefore, everyone can look at the schedule (make three -one for family, hubby and yourself) and know what is happening and they can add events on it as well.
Those are my thoughts and options for you to use or glance through as a foundation for your schooling, home life and career.
Excellent advice, Buttons!
Krisssy, It probably would have taken me at least 3 hours to compose a post as perfect as the one above!
Thank you both for replying. I am thinking of a three hour a day study period for one three credit course, and I will see how it goes from there. My husband works during the week, but I will talk to him about the best three hours to take on Sat. and Sun. Probably starting first thing in the morning would be best to make sure I have enough daily time. I think the structure will be good for me. Krisssy
I believe you will do well in your studies with the appropriate amount of hours in preparation, studying and completing your assisgnments in day or week. Remember writing a paper may take more hours due to gathering the information, reading and then producing a paper and assignments. Therefore, make sure you have flexibility in your time to complete the assignments.
If you have a writing problem seek out the aid of a classmate or the teacher or a program that will help your grammer. For instance, your papers must be written in APA format. There is a program called APA PERRLA it is online and cost $25.00 to download (, this program provides the APA format as well as a grammer check. Just follow the format to add your information and it will correct your grammer as well. The second program is called "APA-Style Helper 5.0". This can be purchase on amazon. com for $26.00 or borders & barnes and noble from $33.00 to $36.00. Basically, it is the same as PERRLA. However, it is not a grammer check and you have to use microsoft word for the grammer check. Just place the information into the format and after you have completed the paper. Then recheck the paper for grammer. The third option is to have someone correct your paper as a safty net. Therefore, these options will enhance your writing and grammer skills and provide an increase amount of self-esteem and success in your courses.
Do not forget to enroll at the learning disability office at your college. This will give you support as well as a plan of actions for your instructors to follow for you to be successful in your courses.
In conclusion, you will be successful by having a support system, a plan of action for your instructors and using programs that will enhance your writing skills.
Have a great evening, Krissy.
Hello, AllKrissy, I believe you will do well in your studies with the appropriate amount of hours in preparation, studying and completing your assisgnments in day or week. Remember writing a paper may take more hours due to gathering the information, reading and then producing a paper and assignments. Therefore, make sure you have flexibility in your time to complete the assignments. If you have a writing problem seek out the aid of a classmate or the teacher or a program that will help your grammer. For instance, your papers must be written in APA format. There is a program called APA PERRLA it is online and cost $25.00 to download (, this program provides the APA format as well as a grammer check. Just follow the format to add your information and it will correct your grammer as well. The second program is called "APA-Style Helper 5.0". This can be purchase on amazon. com for $26.00 or borders & barnes and noble from $33.00 to $36.00. Basically, it is the same as PERRLA. However, it is not a grammer check and you have to use microsoft word for the grammer check. Just place the information into the format and after you have completed the paper. Then recheck the paper for grammer. The third option is to have someone correct your paper as a safty net. Therefore, these options will enhance your writing and grammer skills and provide an increase amount of self-esteem and success in your courses. Do not forget to enroll at the learning disability office at your college. This will give you support as well as a plan of actions for your instructors to follow for you to be successful in your courses. In conclusion, you will be successful by having a support system, a plan of action for your instructors and using programs that will enhance your writing skills.Have a great evening, Krissy.
Button 2cute-you have been super helpful. Thank you sooo much.
I am not familiar with this APA Format or with taking courses online. Perrla seemed like a better choice for me, as they seem to give a lot of support if you get into difficulty. Do you think Perrla is a better choice for me being new to online courses and APA Format? What have you used? Do you put the reference in the box, and then they just put it in the right place and the right format? Is it easy to negotiate for someone not familiar with online courses and papers? I am so thankful to hear about such a thing. This is all so new to me.
Regarding my hubby, I had an instance where I stood up for my career, and he was great about it. He wants to put something on his computer where he can work from home incase of a snowstorm. So he decided to put it on my computer, because his computer is too old. So I said that wouldn't work, because I would need my computer everyday for studying. So he said that he is the breadwinner. So I calmly explained that my profession is very important to me, and that he needs to understand that. I also explained that eventually I would be adding to the houshold income. So he came over to me a few hours later and said he decided to buy himself a new laptop. I was so happy I spoke up. We have only been married since July, and he never knew me when I was working or going to school. I am very compulsive, so I am going to have to be careful to divide my attentions properly. My ex said all I ever cared about was my job and the kids! It wasn't true, but I guess I can now understand why he felt like that. THAT is a whole other story.
Well thanks again for the tips.
1,116 Posts
Three hours a WEEK ???? I cannot imagine making even a passing grade in a class on three hours a week. We were told that a full time course load of three classes/semester was like working a full-time week (i.e. 40 hours week) and 6 hours a semester was about 30 hours a week. Researching and writing for my theory class was *very* time consuming. I cannot imagine three hours a week. That would barely get you logged on to the library system and addressing one particular point for a paper.
I was thinking three hours a day for one three credit course-theory-so 21 hours a week-what do you think? Krisssy
I believe C. WIcks was a brain to spend three hours a week in for a class. She must have a bionic memory and quicker than lighteining. I was giving her a tip of approval and clapping for her accomplishment. C. WIcks is the super hero for homework...I would pay for her to do my