How long does this take ?!?!? Please help!

Nurses Recovery


Hello all,

I am looking for advice please!

I was accused of being impaired at work. I was taken for a drug test and provided two separate urine samples, hours apart. The first sample was falsely positive for oxycodone, very high level with no metabolites. The second was completely clean. The hospital required me to report to HPRP and I refused, was fired. They stated that they would report me to the Michigan BON.

That was 6 months ago and I have heard nothing!!!! My license remains in good standing. Is it normal for it to take this long?? What are you experiences with the time frame from incident to notification from the state?

Thanks in advance!

I was notified by the board today that they have filed a complaint against me. That was very disappointing. I’m guessing I will get a fine and probation since I passed the HPRP eval? 
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 

Specializes in Home care.

I just went thru this process.  I did get a lawyer for my own sanity. I am in HPRP, so my case is different.  But it goes like this... you have 30 days to respond to the complaint, then you have months of waiting for a compliance meeting with Attorney General.  Due to covid, mine was a four way call with myself, my lawyer, AG and a disciplinary BON member.  Then 3 weeks later, got a term of agreement. $500 fine.  On probation for one year, and my boss must fill out a report quarterly for that year. I will be in HPRP longer than that year, so not much different than what I am already doing. Hope that helps!

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