How long do pre-employment background checks usually take?


It's been 4 weeks for mine and result is still not out. I guess I am worried and anxious to start working.

Have you called to see what the status is? IMO, 4 weeks is a long time :)

I've been calling HR, once or twice a week. I'm afraid HR will get annoyed :) but my contact doesn't seem to mind.

There is nothing in my background that is suspect. Could it be the high school diploma and non-nursing degree from out of country that's taking so long?

Maybe- I don't know much about out of country stuff.... just keep calling them, and maybe ask if that is the reason- it's got to be lousy waiting ! :)

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

4 weeks is not long. I remember when I started work with a government position it took over 4 weeks. Relax. Also, calling once a week isn't extreme either. Aren't you confident you got the job and did you ask what the average wait time is?

4 weeks is not long. I remember when I started work with a government position it took over 4 weeks. Relax. Also, calling once a week isn't extreme either. Aren't you confident you got the job and did you ask what the average wait time is?

'nuff said :lol2::lol2:

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

Yes, I know; it takes forever for anything in the government. Red tape for everything, I'm surprised it even got done.

I don't know about out of country things; but do know that background checks can take a long time, depending on who the employer goes through. At this time of year, with many nurses who recently graduated and just took the boards, plus the students going back to school, there are a lot of background checks being done.

I agree that it is good to call once or twice a week - they know you are interested! Good luck!

Specializes in Nephrology.

I'm waiting for mine too. It's been a week. I'm so anxious. Good luck

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho, Acute Care Rehab.

I'm in the same process as well and was told by HR that it will take 5-7 days...I guess it depends how extensive their background check is...I hope you hear back from them soon...:)

Thanks for the responses. My background check came back and I'm relieved. It took 5 weeks. It could be the out-of-country education that took a while. It was also a city hospital...maybe they need an extensive background check, maybe processing just takes longer.

Good luck lapoRtaN and Spydered.

Specializes in Nephrology.

Congrats!! Good Luck at your new job!

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