Published Jan 12, 2009
24 Posts
the fall of 07 i attended a cc to get my ADN (difficult school and competitive program). while doing my preqs i messed up a little with B in engl; C in pol sci; C in math; C in history. Now i only have 5 classes left to take.
After 1 year taking preqs at a tech school for lpn, i didn't get in (3.3 gpa). very competitive program. I was doing some research and found a cc for pre-nursing that will transfer to a 4 year university . sounds good but it would take me 2 years to finish it.
since this is a new year i want to get serious about my school work. i'm tired of transfering from school to school. i want to finish my up at the community college i was at but i'm kind of intimidated by the school especially A&P. i have been studying A&P with my books from the lpn.
Should i try and stick it out with my 5 courses and average grades for my ADN at the competitive school or should i start all over and go the pre-nursing to BSN route? I just want to become an RN.
932 Posts
suck it up and finish! It makes no sense to waste what you have done so far. You should be proud of yourself that you have gotten this far. Its only 5 courses, and then you can transfer that to the first half of a BSN. I think you'd be crazy to drop it and go do something else when you are SO CLOSE!
Just my 2 cents :) good luck however you decide!
30 Posts
I say stop school hopping and stick with where you are the most ahead - sounds like the CC - I'm starting a ADN in the Fall FINALLY and graduated from the same school with the AAS and surg tech certification/licensure - I was a 4.0 all the way through - guess what - didn't get me a job or count for anything else for that matter (except self satisfaction).....a classmate who was A LOT more relaxed about everything and got a job used to joke everytime she got a C on something (she was VERY happy with a C)......"C's get degrees" know what? SHE'S RIGHT!! When I learned to fly a million years ago - I used to panic over not getting 100% on something - particularly my licensing.....a VERY wise guy told me - "hey take out your license and look at it....look at it HARD......where is it printed on there what your score was on your written?" RIGHT AGAIN.....
Not to encourage slacking off in anyway - but the goal is to get through the program - unless there's something that you can't qualify for due to not having a 4.0 - as scorpion said..."suck it up and go!"
Just stick with it - whatever program is going to get you there the fastest and just try and do your best....remember.... C's get degrees!
Good luck!
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
OK, so I am a student now... from what I can surmise, I will not learn much of anything in nursing school that I couldn't self teach with books/videos. Yea, I really mean it could practically be done by corrospondence for the most part - don't get me wrong it is not easy, its just something that must be self taught. 99% of my learning will be on the job. I completely understand this. So, what I am trying to say is, get your RN. Any way is OK!! It is just a stepping stone to the real education you will get on the job.
212 Posts
You need to stay at a school. Hopping schools is like getting a job, quitting,, getting another job, quitting, getting another job and quitting. It doesn't look good.
CalicoKitty, BSN, MSN, RN
1,016 Posts
How long will it take you to get the ADN vs. the BSN? If I were you, I'd finish the 5 courses you need to take, and apply to as many programs as you're interested in. After you get the acceptance/rejection letters, then make your decision. But, finish the last 5 classes to bring up your recent GPA.