How do I get around to LIKING changing an ostomy bag?


I admit: when it comes to poop, whether via BM or even worse, ostomy bag, I just cannot stand the smell of it. I've only come across an ostomy a few times in my experiences and I try emptying the bag. Just couldn't do it after the first hint of smell got to me and I was getting nauseaus and almost threw up. Someone else had to do it.

Blood, sputum, etc I'm fine...

but not poop!!!!

So how do you get around that? :confused:

I remember an instructor told me that you don't have to like everything you do at work (ie poop or blood or sputum or etc...)

Specializes in Emergency Department.

A can of Vick's is your best defense; just a thin swipe under your nose of that, and you won't smell anything for a few minutes. I am also a fan of the mask; it hides any involuntary expressions. Let's face's a good idea to have the mask anyway, just in case of spatter. It's nothing personal. I just don't want to be exposed to bodily fluids...of any kind. If that offends my patients, I'm sorry, but I'll still wear the mask as it's my safety at stake.

One nurse I worked with was a fan of peppermint oil (NOT on skin!!) on the wall for room freshener. One day, we had a code that came in (we were in the ED), and, after postmortem care, there was still an unpleasant smell in the room. So she put several drops of peppermint oil on the wall, and it worked wonders. I thought it was a very compassionate thing to do for the family, who came in to the room then.

I would not put the oil on your mask, though, because the stuff is REALLY strong. I have been told it will burn your skin, too.

Specializes in LTC.

Have everything ready( 2 trash bags, new colostomy supplies, washcloths and soap and water etc) and prepared so the filled bag comes right off into a trash bag. Clean and dry the site. Apply the new bag.. put the disposable wash clothes in the garbage bag .. put that garbage bag in another garbage bag...and make a beeline out for the garbage and have housekeeping take the garbage right away.

I have it down to under a minute. I breath through my mouth the whole time and I don't think I've ever smelled anything.

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