How hard is it to get into Truman Nursing? I have a 3.296 GPA as of right now. Can you please give me some encouragement or at least tell me the whole truth? Do I even stand a chance? Please reply if you got in or if you know someone else who go in. You don't have to tell me your GPA, but it would be helpful. I have taken all the requirements except Micro and Anatomy and Physiology II (I'm in those right now.). These are my grades in the requirements:
Bio 121 B
Bio 226 B
Chem 201 A
English 101 A
Math 125 B
Bio 227 ---taking now--
Micro 233 ---taking now---
Cumulative GPA 3.296 (I've taken other classes, but these are the only ones required for Truman.)
Thank you!