Published Nov 9, 2009
69 Posts
How hard is it to get into Truman Nursing? I have a 3.296 GPA as of right now. Can you please give me some encouragement or at least tell me the whole truth? Do I even stand a chance? Please reply if you got in or if you know someone else who go in. You don't have to tell me your GPA, but it would be helpful. I have taken all the requirements except Micro and Anatomy and Physiology II (I'm in those right now.). These are my grades in the requirements:
Bio 121 B
Bio 226 B
Chem 201 A
English 101 A
Math 125 B
Bio 227 ---taking now--
Micro 233 ---taking now---
Cumulative GPA 3.296 (I've taken other classes, but these are the only ones required for Truman.)
Thank you!
1 Post
You have the grades but it's very competitive. You have to have a B or above in all the required subjects which you have then they collect all these applicants that have furfilled the requirements and are then chosen by lottery.
Thanks for replying.
They don't do it by lottery anymore. I went to their info session and they said they actually calculate it based on the grades and of courses the more reqs you have out of the way, the better. I was just wondering if I stand a chance? For example, do you know of anyone with my GPA that got in? Are you in the program now? If yes, how is it? Thanks again.
50 Posts
screw truman...I had a 3.6 GPA and I didn't get in....when I applied they did it by lottery....some people I knew got in and had lower grades in their pre-reqs than I did.....but whatever...I'm in a BSN program now and will graduate only a year later.....will make more ....and will be able to apply to a grad program.....: )
Thanks for replying. I am sorry you didn't get in when you applied. That is unfair that you didn't get in because of the stupid old lottery system. Congrats that you're in a BSN program!
I plan on getting a BSN also, but I don't want to take out loans yet. I would rather take out loans for MSN, later in life. By the way, which school are you at? Would you recommend it?
Chicago's a wonderful is difficult like most programs.....I'm not sure that any nursing program is actually easy...but yes...I would recommend get so much much insight to urban nursing and your outlook on your future is not taken for granted.....The group of people I have met have been a blessing...both students and staff......It's cheap because it's a state program as well...and just a lil longer than your assoc. degree.....think about it...totally worth it.
I've actually looked into Chicago State, but I live by O'Hare. That's the only problem for me. It would be about 2 hrs away. I hate that my address is in Chicago, but I pretty much live at the end of Chicago. If I lived two blocks down, I would be able to appy to Oakton or Triton. That's why I'll try Truman. They got rid of the lottery system. I don't know if that'll help me or hurt me. Have you heard anything about Truman's program from anyone who goes there?
I have to admit that they love it. I still talk to a group of friends who attend their program. They say it's hard, but they seem happy. The group of students become really close. I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks :)! I just hope I get into Truman, especially now hearing all these positive things about it!
2 Posts
check it out.
i'm in their nursing program right now. i graduate in may. it's not easy by any means... but it goes by fast because they definitely keep you busy. great program... im happy with it. of course there are downfalls to everything - but overall, i'm satisfied.
Congrats g1984 on being in the program already! I'm glad to hear positive things about Truman. I'm starting to feel really good about this.
I already have all the info you linked me to, but I just wanted to ask if you can give me the titles of the books (or ISBNs) you guys are using so I can buy them ahead of time?
I'm not sure how often they change the books, but for the first year, we used Fundamentals of Nursing by Craven and Medical-Surgical Nursing by Lewis. I suggest reading some HESI or NCLEX books instead if you would like to get a headstart on the material. GOOD LUCK!