How to Get Psychological Eval performed


Hi I am from Texas Oklahoma Arkansas I was a nurse from 2009 until 2012. I am required for a chemical addiction psychological evaluation for the Board of Nursing I am searching for information on this type of circumstance and see if it can be achieved my email is [email protected] or reply to post

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Moved to AN's Nurses / Recovery forum for member advice.

Hi Texas! Welcome to the forum, you're in the right place. You will find lots of information and support here! I'm from Alaska, but we've got some excellent nurses here from Texas who I am sure will chime in here shortly

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

they did, i was fortunate in texas decades ago to just use any psycologist or psyc......

however now i think they need to be on their approved all depends on which stATE you are beining monitored by.....if it is texas go to the texas bon website, in the search window type in required psyc evaluation.....up will come latest information. best of luck, we are here to help and support you :yes:

thanks for the info!

Hey Texas! I'm from Arkansas and the BON sent me a list of approved experts that perform addiction evaluation from all areas of the state. I called around to see which one I could get in to see within the time frame I needed. Prices varied quite a bit.

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