Published Feb 3, 2008
AirforceRN, RN
611 Posts
We do a lot as nurses, and a lot goes unnoticed. Whether this be because no one really wants to come to where we work or because patients feel they deserve their treatment I don't know, but every once in a while we get a letter of thanks and it makes us feel often do we return the favour?
A few weeks ago I locked my keys in my truck while on a BC ferry. One of the deckhands worked long and hard and finally popped the lock. It saved me from having to smash a window. Once I was home I sent a letter to the ferry company and let them know what Mr. X had done. The letter I received back stated that Mr. X will get a note on his file and will get a letter of commendation from his Captain. It took me 1 min to draft this letter and that letter will be on his file for his career.
All I'm saying is when someone helps you out, even the little things, take the minute to learn their name and write a letter of thanks to thier boss. It costs you nothing and has the potential to boost not only someones day but even their career. We as a population need to recognize how little it takes to instill happiness, seize the opportunity and do our good deed for the day...
I'll get off my soapbox but I hope I've at least caused someone to think.
Valerie Salva, BSN, RN
1,793 Posts
I've written several letters like you describe in the past, but I've gotten slack the past few years. Good service, and just plain courtesy for your fellow human beings is getting rather rare these days.
Thanks for the reminder that those who do go above and beyond could really benefit from a little recognition.
150 Posts
I learned this concept from my Mother when I was about 11 years old. The two of us had a flat tire (in a snow storm, no less) and she did not know how to change a tire. Two soldiers from the nearby Army base stopped and changed it for us. My Mom tried to offer them money but they flatly refused. They did agree to give their full names and the name of their commanding officer. I think they were actually a little afraid that she was somehow offended by them!
She sent a letter to the CO explaining what they had done. She actually got a letter back from him, thanking her for taking the time to write, and pointing out that people are usually very quick to shoot off letters anytime they're unhappy about something. He said that a copy of her letter would be placed in their permanent files and would definitely be taken into consideration for things like promotions.
Isn't that nice? It's such a great concept. There's so much ickiness going on in the world...we should spread all the good that we can!
Thanks for starting this thread!
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
I've been on the recieving end from so many patients when I'm saying goodbye at 3am.....etc...and try to give it back as much as possible to people....However, the opposite also occurs, I have no tolerance for people who act as though they are greatly inconvienced by doing their job......