Published Mar 2, 2011
64 Posts
I've always liked OR. No exp other than clinicals though. My past exp is NICU and psych. Only 2 years exp as RN. I'd like less pt interaction as psych is wearing me down. I'm interested in becoming a scrub nurse as I like to stay busy otherwise my brain falls asleep. Any suggestions? Everyone seems to want at least a year of OR exp.
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
my friends, who also had two years of work experience in another area were able to land a job in the or by starting out in pre-op holding. it may not be your ideal position, but it is a start. if you already work in a hospital then you can easily talk to the hiring manager of the or. find out through nurses who already work there which one will be most receptive. also ask an or friend or two to put in a good word on your behalf prior to your contact. then sell yourself!!! gl!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Have you considered an ambulatory surgery center or same day surgery?
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
I spoke to a nurse recently who told me she had done an OR fellowship after she had done a year or so of working a floor somewhere. She applied to a program which was actually marketed to new grads, but managed to talk herself into a position. It was a 12 month program and she learned to circulate first, then moved on to scrub nursing. It was very intense, but she loved it. Check around with area hospitals pronto as now would be the time they are putting together any such internships in anticipation of the soon to be new grads.
solneeshka, BSN, RN
292 Posts
I would try getting a hold of the manager (or a manager) in the OR of your hospital. Just send an e-mail or something, say you have 2 years experience and would like to move into the OR and would like her advice on the best way to make that happen. A decent person will give you the straight dope and let you know whether or not it's possible at that facility, and if it is, the best way to go about it. If it's a positive interaction, then when you do apply for a job, the manager will already know who you are. Different hospitals have different unofficial policies regarding hiring with or without experience. Some will only take with experience, some will only take new grads, some are in between. Don't feel like you're locked out! You could also try contacting an OR manager and saying you're just interested in finding out what it's like, and ask if you could shadow for a shift. That's a very non-threatening way to introduce yourself to the team; treat it like an interview! Be helpful, curious, and make a good impression! Afterward, contact the manager and say how much you loved it, ask if s/he could let you know if they are planning to hire anytime soon. Even if they aren't, they might be able to recommend another OR area that is (I work in a huge teaching-hospital OR that has lots of managers). You can make this happen! Good luck!