How did you afford CRNA school and do you have any advice for me?

Nursing Students SRNA


I am a LPN I make a little over 86k/yr, when I finish my bachelors later this year(currently doing it online) it will increase to 113k/yr. I am not able to save money I do not know what it is. On top of that I have bad credit. Just a year ago I had excellent credit. Over 730. Now I believe it is 500 something all because Im bad with paying bills that I was mailing checks back to instead of paying online or through an automatic payment option. BC of my job (7 overnights/wk) I really do not think about anything else besides my job and my time and sleep. I have to sleep during the mornings into the early afternoons and I take another nap around 6-7pm until 1030 for work at 11pm. I know no one hear is likely to be a financial advisor but how can I afford CRNA school with bad credit and not able to save money? Is there a way to take out a school loan with bad credit? Military or co signer is not an option. I also take care of my friend who is not working and all of their expenses, food, haircuts, phone bill, toiletries, you name it. look at that friend as equivelant to having a few kids. So imagine I am a single mom juggling night shifts and kids and school. What would be your advice. Idk how I would afford 2 years of school plus food and rent/board. Please help. Hopefully 2-3 years working on my bsn/icu experience improves my credit a little more. I am now on top of my bills paying online or by phone.

800 dollars a month for a car?!?! That's absolutely insane. That's rent for some people!!!!

Sell the car. Get a hyundai. And nicely tell your friend that you're sorry but you can no longer afford to pay for them.

Specializes in SICU.
Schnookims, because Im very generous and I help out family and friends. My best friend in particular who has recently moved in with me is very high maintenance and such a brat. I feel like I know what its like being a single mom with 5 kids because of him. I'm trying to get myself and order, I like helping people out but I have my own hopes and dreams you know. I really want to start saving while Im at this job. I cant work 7 overnights.. it is brutal.

I'm really looking forward to getting the above mentioned book. In fact I am going to order it right now from amazon.


Enabling often cloaks itself as generosity...

Is your friend unable to work? Can't he live with his family? What kind of car do you have that's $800 per month? Sell that car and get something that will get you to point A and B. The CRNA's that I know all had to stop working while they attended school. If you cut your living expenses in half you should be able to have money saved to live on while you attend school. And yeah your friend I'm sure deep down you know what to do.

Not saying you can't help your friends and family but if it's holding you back from attaining your dream then you need to reevaluate your relationship with them.

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Its 414 for the car and 362 for full coverage. I'm upside down on my payments its a 2013 model I owe 20 something k and its probably worth less than 15 bc I drive A LOT. Drove 55k miles already. Besides I have no idea how to sell a car with a loan. Any other options?? That's my babyy

He is kind of a brat he won't work bc he doesn't have a car. He CAN work however because I work overnight 11p-7a. He can get a 9-5. I really could save 1000 $ per week living on my own. Yes I will stop working too. I'm hoping to find a way to start saving and by 2-5 years from now whenever I get into a crna program I will have a decent amount of money saved up. I'm considering an IRA account. The car is 414 and insurance 362 not 800 just for the car. My rent is 1500. Cell is 45/mo. Is 200/week on food reasonable for 2 people? By the way his familys house foreclosed his bros and sisters didn't want him to move with him. His oldest siblings are really stingy with their money and other sisters can't afford him. His parents live with members from their church mom not working and dad does yard/house work off the books..

I am trying to get him to understand that. I need to be able to afford my tests and save for school. One day he might bounce somewhere else and I'm stuck with debt/not enough for school and bitterness and regret.

We had a huge fight today bc I wouldn't give him my keys to go buy a ps3..the situation is much more serious than taking care of anothers basic needs. He always wants wants wants this and that I feel like a person that needs to "get out" from something/somewhere but I'm stuck.

Mully, I agree that I'm an enabler and I've been failing to change that.

Wtbcrna How much does something like that cost? Any idea?? That is the major reason I haven't yet.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
Wtbcrna How much does something like that cost? Any idea?? That is the major reason I haven't yet.

It can be free depending on your community for a basic consult to a few thousand, but normally I think few hundred is the norm.

Oh ok thanks. I don't want to waste my $ though. I will consider it but if someone makes a plan for me, i dont want it incorporating expenses for me and someone else. Im not trying to build a financial plan for the future that includes this friend of mine. The problem is I want/need to be on my own. Me and my two pets. No one can help me move my friend somewhere else. Its something I have to do on my own. If I have problems after that day comes I will definitely look into financial counseling. Thanks again

I tell everybody about the Total Money Makeover. Ramsey breaks it down to simple, easy to do steps that work. Check it out

My brother & his wife did the whole snow ball effect & paid off everything. They have 2 kids and he is the sole provider. They own 2 cars & a house. The only debt they have is their house. The kids have a college fund started & they pay for everything in cash. It took a lot of discipline but it worked. He gave me my copy of the book. Make a budget, write it down. And only spend cash. Once you spend your cash for the week/month, you're done. Be strict with yourself & you can save enough to be fine through CRNA school. Good luck :)

Thanks both of you. I'm really happy to hear all of the positive feedback a little surprised by it too. I'm really excited to have a possible solution that others have done successful with. I will start applying in 2 years I'm hoping to save a substantial amount by 3 years thanks again!

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