Houston Community College- Pharmacology in Fall 2012


Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

Who ever has taken this course, can yall give me more insight about the class. I am trying to prepare for it but I am EXTREMELY nervous because I have not received my books yet; I ordered them online.

Is anyone planning on taking the class this fall as well at HCC? I would love to go into the class knowing someone.. maybe study partners or so.


Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Moved to Texas State Nursing Programs for more response.

Stay on top of your reading. Thats my advise, its a lot of work but doable. I came out of the summer session with an A. The test are not like you are use to, you have to not just remember the information but learn how to use it to answer the questions. Critical thinking is the big thing which gets you use to what exams are going to be like in nursing school.

Who ever has taken this course, can yall give me more insight about the class. I am trying to prepare for it but I am EXTREMELY nervous because I have not received my books yet; I ordered them online.

Is anyone planning on taking the class this fall as well at HCC? I would love to go into the class knowing someone.. maybe study partners or so.


I just received the email today letting me enroll in pharmacology. I am going to buy my books soon and start reading because I have a full load in the fall. I want to try to be a little familiar with the material.

I am taking the 1-4pm class. Which class are you taking?

Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

Oh goodie!! Someone who will be taking pharm also!

I ordered my books and they should arrive tomorrow! I saw that there is a few books that are required and some that are recommended.. I ordered 3 books and the simulation code, but I believe I still need the lab package that is listed on the bookstore website. But either way, I am going to go to the bookstore tomorrow to see what books they currently have in stock.

I plan to also read the books before classes start! I want to make sure I have the general idea before getting thrown into this subject.

I am taking the 8-11 am class.

Oh I began to enroll in that class but I switched at the last moment. I have ordered my books online and should get the bulk of them by Thursday. I didn't get the packaged book because it is a new edition and no one else has it available it seems. I will have to pick that up at the book store. I also need to get the nurse pack. I am not quite sure why we need that right now but I will get it anyway. Good luck to you!


hi am going to also be in the pharmacology class this fall and was wondering if anyone knew how hard the pharm test is going to be at the end of the course. I didnt think it was going to be that hard because you need a 90 to get in to the program. If anyone knows please help

Stay on top of your reading. Thats my advise, its a lot of work but doable. I came out of the summer session with an A. The test are not like you are use to, you have to not just remember the information but learn how to use it to answer the questions. Critical thinking is the big thing which gets you use to what exams are going to be like in nursing school.

Hey i was wondering how hard wus the test at the end of pahrmacology class and what did u het on it

Hey, gelibean

I am also taking pharm this fall 8-11 am and Im soooo excited!!!!. I really want to switch to the 1-4 but its all full. Have you figured out where you will park and how much it will be. Since we will only be going once a week, i think i might park across the street. I wonder who our professor will be??? I just cant wait!!!

Hey, gelibean

I am also taking pharm this fall 8-11 am and Im soooo excited!!!!. I really want to switch to the 1-4 but its all full. Have you figured out where you will park and how much it will be. Since we will only be going once a week, i think i might park across the street. I wonder who our professor will be??? I just cant wait!!!

Yes me to i am sooo excited i take the friday class and i am taking the bus to save on parking expenses i am taking the 1-4 class

Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

Hello All!! I noticed that parking can be a pain in the butt regarding cost so I am planning to take the metro rail, unless the weather is unfavorable; I live about two blocks away from a metro rail stand/post/stop.

@trinatrt, yes it seemed like the morning class filled up first and then the afternoon class, but I did see that HCC opened up a third class but it is on Thursday from 5-8 pm.. maybe you would be interested in that one.... But the morning Friday class worked out for me. If not, we can be study buddies or so in the morning class.

@Igunbor, yea it is smarter to take the bus... even though we go once a week, it'll be more cost efficient!

Has any of yall bought the books for the class? I have bought:

-Calculate with Confidence

-Lab Tests+ Diag. Procedures

-Sim. Access Code

-Medical Dictionary

-Lippincott's Drug Guide

The last two are recommended but I am sure I will be able to apply these books now or later so I went ahead and bought them.

I could not find:

-Pocket Nurse Student Health tote...... Not sure what it really is that it, but at the book store it costs $81 NEW, & $61 USED....

-Pharmacology Bundle w/MyNursing Lab.................. $154 NEW and $115 USED

So it seems like I'll be getting these at the bookstore!

I buy my books off of Amazon.com, and could not find these items online. I did get in touch with someone at Coleman to see where I can purchase my books and they said Central Campus would have them. I went to Central and they said they would not be carrying our books but the Southwest Campus (610 Campus, if I am correct) will be receiving our books. So I called SW (Monday June 30) to make sure and they said they would be receiving our books and they were currently unloading shipments of books and to try and call next Monday to see if they have received them.

Hey! I'm in the 1-4 Friday class! I met a girl at the TEAS test and she will be in the class too. I forgot her name.

What books are needed? I looked at the spring syllabus to see the books. Are they the same?

I also plan to take the rail. I'm going to park at HCC's central parking garage and walk two blocks up to the rail. I timed it. It take 4 minutes to walk. Pack your walking shoes!

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